Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In economic terminology their demand for a nest is ‘ inelastic ’ : however much the ‘ price ’ goes up , the birds seem willing to pay it .
2 In Fontanellato , as in many other villages in Italy , there were professional embroiderers who made a living by embroidering sheets , tablecloths , and nightdresses for brides ' trousseaux , and also taught a few girls their skills for a small fee .
3 It makes use , again , of the growth hormone gene , and another gene which codes for an enzyme elastase , which is made in the pancreas and enters the stomach where it breaks down elastic tissue .
4 The horse that forgot about the tiger that lived in its lair at the bottom of the hill , or at any time disregarded the danger , would very soon become the tiger 's dinner , and so lack the opportunity to pass on to future generations its genes for a poor memory and a low threshold of fear .
5 1–3–1859 The Convener read the following letter from Claud McFie Esquire with reference to a donation of £400 which he had given to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund and a like sum to the Supplementary Sustentation Fund and in reference to which he reserved power to demand the interest during his life ; that he was anxious to promote the prosperity of the new Church of Bowmore in Islay , and now desired to appropriate the interest of the latter sum for five years , for that charge , and on this being complied with he gave up for that period his claim for the interest of the former sum , viz £400 , to the Aged and Infirm Ministers ' Fund .
6 Nor can the majority of the western left escape its responsibility for the situation in post-communist eastern Europe .
7 Before she left , she gave each of the three girls her task for the evening : one was to make lace , one to knit stockings , and Vasilissa was to spin .
8 Whatever the rest of the season may hold for Aberdeen , they have on their side a ferocious competitor whose appetite for the fray has gone undiminished by time .
9 As with the hobbit-songs , behind all these there lies some story of a Sentence and a Great Escape , but an escape forever hindered by loving involvement with Middle-earth itself ; that is the root of the disagreement between Fangorn , Celeborn and Galadriel when the Ent half-voices his lament for the stocks and the stones .
10 We have to examine and discuss in great detail its proposals for an immensely complex engineering project .
11 In the south , Kyles Athletic reshuffle their side for a tough away game against Glenorchy in Division I of the Marine Harvest League .
12 For a small supplement your home for the day could be Chef Boyers ' Les Crayeres , widely regarded as Frances ' greatest hotel where Chef/Patron Gerard Boyer , three star Michelin giant , has just been awarded , by Gault illau , the accolade of France 's top chef for 1992 .
13 This means that the output at pin 3 is a positive-going pulse whose duration for a given C and R depends upon the potential at pin 5 .
14 Beardshaw and Morgan note the particular problem which letting for the holiday season creates in this popular resort area .
15 ‘ Realist ’ films like these drew ecstatic praise from the local critics whose enthusiasm for the national cinema was a new phenomenon .
16 A cat inhibits the desire to spring prematurely and controls to a deliberate end its eagerness for the instant gratification of a natural appetite .
17 Next time my instinct for a holiday , as it does in so much else , cries for something hot and cheap , I shall stay my hand .
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