Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] more [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Since the end of the last war more and more of our food has been subjected to factory processing , with the concomitant addition of more and more chemical additives to counteract the deterioration in taste , texture , colour and palatability which the processing of food brings about .
2 Today in order to meet the burgeoning demand for more and more creamy pints of Guinness , St. James 's Gate , through the recent investment of IR£200 million , has become one of the world 's most technologically advanced breweries , having the flexibility to brew virtually anything to the highest international standards .
3 The second possibility , that there is an infinite sequence of more and more refined theories , is in agreement with all our experience so far .
4 Dissatisfied with mainstream Christianity they were impressed by his apparent certainty , but he persuaded his potential British followers with more than just his Biblical knowledge .
5 Another deme with more than purely parochial status was Piraeus , whose demarch was a state appointment ( Ath .
6 For most people nowadays , any mention of computers conjours up vague images of more or less two things : either Sonic the Hedgehog , or a shapeless , grey , John-Majorish boredom .
7 Case conferences should , as a matter of routine practice , make a much clearer distinction between more and less ‘ objective ’ evidence than they do at present .
8 In 1986 , Christopher Lewinton was appointed as chief executive with more or less a free hand to do whatever he felt necessary .
9 Mastery of that code by distant descendants could therefore become more ‘ mindless ’ in the early stages ( even those involving significant structure ) as brains were shaped by natural selection for more and more rapid language acquisition .
10 The publisher , traditionally , needs to sell at least a thousand copies of that to be worth even advertising it , but this means that you can print an extra copy whenever you want and this then implies and even larger and larger growth in more and more specialised information which only computers can manage , and one hesitates to work out where the end of all this is .
11 Two of his partners protested promptly that the said Susy was fully deployed on their cases , and Peter Yeo settled down to reorganize the workload , emerging after ten minutes ' hard negotiation with more or less the conclusion he had wanted .
12 It is no coincidence that expressions of the ‘ pro-Palestinian ’ and ‘ pro-Zionist ’ factions have occurred in rival publications at more or less the same time .
13 What was barely tolerable before 1914 became increasingly intolerable to the mass of the population , as the enemy forces pushed the Tsarist regime into more and more desperate expedients to raise the finance and manpower with which to conduct the war .
14 It will be argued in this chapter that their prideful belief in the capacity to influence , so vividly expressed and so evidently vindicated in Indirect Rule , led the British on to fatal experiment in more and more attenuated forms of imperial control .
15 Even when this is used , it is not advisable to expect a safe endurance of more than about an hour .
16 A single sentence of more than about four lines puts unreasonable demands on your reader : Since Etherege ( writing in a later period than Wycherley and recognising a greater desire for a new " Man of Mode " ) recognises that love , sex and inheritance are still important considerations , which he also criticises , both playwrights can be said to expose hypocrisy rather than improve society , as heroes and heroines are constantly undermined by the contrasts created in the new social order and the codes of morality being set up which are both critical and celebratory .
17 The agriculture of small farmers remained undeveloped , while the industrial sector which was small but had considerable potential with the influx of the coastal refugee population received no single investment of more than about $28,000 in the whole period .
18 Other ways of making life more interesting for the housebound are the occasional holidays in the homes of various members of the family ; also offering to help them to entertain their friends in their own home to more than just a cup of tea , by arranging to take a pre-cooked , easily served meal round to them beforehand .
19 The movement recurrently exemplified conflict typical of the wider political culture between more and less ‘ open ’ styles .
20 The Treasury were very , very skilled chaps in more or less stopping you doing anything .
21 Other phrases with more or less the same meaning are nihil obstat ( ‘ nothing hinders ’ ) and cum licentia ( ‘ with licence ’ or ‘ with permission ’ ) .
22 The development of the relationship depended on shared secrets , on entrusting the other person with more and more important parts of yourself .
23 Amaranth fell into a gentle sleep at more or less the same time as did the bulk of Sir Teddy Taylor 's conference audience .
24 Two hydrocyclone separators are to be installed on the Gyda platform next year to more than double the installation 's water handling capacity to 35,000 barrels a day in readiness for an anticipated increase in produced water from the reservoir .
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