Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The staining of the epithelial cells is cytoplasmic , involving the basolateral and , to a lesser extent , the apical surfaces of the cells and EGF can also be seen in the mucus derived from the glandular ducts in many cases ( Fig 3C and D ) .
2 ‘ OK , I wo n't try to battle my way past all that camouflage for the treasures that lie beneath .
3 My hon. Friend puts his finger on a crucial point : the total income of the museums and galleries for which I am responsible , outside their grant in aid , is £48 million — up by £20 million from the figures for three years ago .
4 The cost of tracing the damage is covered provided there has been accidental damage to the pipes or cables .
5 Such decision makers may have little experience of the issues that affect women or ethnic minorities , for example .
6 Abbreviated definitions for the commands and statements in BBCBASIC(Z80) are given at the end of the explanation for each keyword .
7 The alternative would be to show the cash outflows under investing activities on the grounds that the provisions relate to the acquisition of a subsidiary .
8 A number of innovations were recorded : the use of lifts ( though not the first in British council flats ) , the first use of the Garchey refuse disposal system in the country , heights up to 8 storeys , private balconies in the flats and emphasis on community provisions including playgrounds , laundry , gardens , shops and community hall .
9 This exiled army played an important part in the allied fight against the Germans but eventually it was Stalin 's Red Army who liberated their homeland , turning the country into an eastward-looking nation .
10 DNA sequence recognition is achieved largely by hydrogen-bond contacts between the bases and amino-acid side chains located on a β -ribbon , a mode of recognition previously hypothesized on the basis of modelling of idealized β -strands and DNA , and mutagenesis of the Salmonella phage P22 repressors Arc and Mnt .
11 No was the posh part of the flats if you like .
12 Each part of the restaurants & Leisure Division has a programme to assist employees in developing their careers .
13 Each part of the walls and the rest of the ceilings received their appointed section of the Christian story .
14 Others , although sympathetic , were hard put to explain his lack of caution in pursuing hopeless cases through the courts and providing the Federation with such ample material with which to plot his downfall .
15 The social movements of the 1960s were relatively unsuccessful in producing such doctrines in a coherent form ; and the student movement , in particular , came to an end in a welter of conflicting views about the agencies and objectives of radical social change , beset by arguments about its own relation to the working-class movement , about the importance of cultural as against economic and structural changes in society , and about the role of violence in movements for social change .
16 Despite the universal belief in France that the Channel Tunnel is a project with major public sector implications , there was some opposition to the use of the Grand Chantier procedure from both local and regional authorities on the grounds that it challenged the spirit of the 1982 decentralisation laws .
17 It also brought prolonged exposure to the values and beliefs of the world 's most powerful and prosperous capitalist nation .
18 Pure research is an attempt to produce a coherent framework of the facts and events occurring in the world around us .
19 Tonight , we look at other memorable programmes from the archives and ask what the future holds ?
20 In the event my evidence — on the scientific value of clinical ecology — played little part in the proceedings because the charges brought by the GMC touched only peripherally on Dr Mumby 's clinical activities .
21 Marc Pugens , Hewlett Packard 's communications director , says that the digital networks group chose to locate its European headquarters in the Rhone-Alpes because it was a major university centre and offered excellent opportunities for technology transfer .
22 Therefore , I can no longer be allowed to escape criticism and analysis of my theistic views on the grounds that they are simply a matter of personal experience .
23 The exterior work is largely restored but the interior decoration in the apse is mainly original and consists of marble , porphyry and mother-of-pearl inlay on the lower part of the walls and mosaic above this and in the semi-dome .
24 There were the usual bevelled panels on the lower part of the doors and bulkheads .
25 In order to provide specific illustrations of the ideas and techniques discussed in the book , we use a number of well-known conventional computers as running examples throughout the text .
26 And erm how we actually measure I I would accept is d is somewhat difficult and I think it 's based on erm a a an assessment er a professional assessment of the issues that are current to the criteria .
27 That means joint commissioning , you have an example later on in your agenda in relation to learning disability services , I think it 's items nine , nine and eleven , erm , er , perhaps the most controversial part of the proposals that I 've , I 've put before the authorities , is that you do n't expect the structures for joint care planning to carry the full weight of joint commissioning when you 're talking about main budgets .
28 It is compatible with the order-maintenance function of the police that they should have power to regulate both public processions and assemblies , and the 1986 Act refines their powers to do this .
29 This is because , assuming not all the proceeds of disposal are capital gain ( some will be base cost ) , that part of the proceeds that is not applied in acquiring the new assets will constitute gain in priority to base cost .
30 We feel there is little division between the players and the images of fact .
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