Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] over [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You 're going to spend the next few months hanging over them with your heart thumping in case they 've stopped breathing and the next few years after that stopping them committing suicide because a perfectly ordinary house has turned into a minefield of electricity and stairs and windows and boiling kettles .
2 Some fool backed over mine in a car park .
3 The White paper goes into some detail as to how these objectives are to be achieved and it is beyond the scope of this volume to go over them in detail .
4 Evans ' 100 inch fixed gear was too small for him on the way out , but he kept it turning on the harder return leg to edge ahead of the Phoenix rider repeating his eight second win over him at Newtownards last week .
5 Evans ' 100 inch fixed gear was too small for him on the way out , but he kept it turning on the harder return leg to edge ahead of the Phoenix rider repeating his eight second win over him at Newtownards last week .
6 ‘ Good evening , Fabia , ’ he greeted her smoothly as the housekeeper melted away , his dark eyes flicking over her from the top of her golden head , taking in her features and perfect complexion before travelling over her long-sleeved fine wool lime-coloured dress , its straight lines hiding none of her femininity , before his all-assessing gaze ended at her neat two-and-a-half-inch-heel shoes .
7 He was bent in the act of locking the car as Maggie came up and he straightened to a considerable height , dark eyes running over her in astonishment .
8 They let the warm air roll over them like water .
9 ‘ Do n't you have any legs ? ’ he suddenly rasped , his hands on his lean hips , his black eyes running over her in exasperation .
10 The lurking menace of those few sinister lines hung over her like a sentence of doom , an ominous harbinger of death and destruction .
11 Or , if he really wants to worry aloud , he recalls the time not long ago when he woke one morning to find a black man looming over him in his bedroom carrying most of the clothes from wardrobe in one hand and the family carving knife in the other .
12 She knew that this would be a black cloud hanging over her for the rest of her working life .
13 Head and body felt disconnected and the foul taste in his mouth seemed to his waking mind a symptom of some terrible decay creeping over him from within .
14 For three days this terrible possibility hung over me like an appalling nightmare , but then the agony was lifted — the prognosis was brighter .
15 The near-black eyes moved over her with open distaste .
16 As further proof of this there was a continuous drift of wind-blown spume shooting over us like blobs of candy floss .
17 Their unfocused glance passed over him without the slightest flicker of movement or response .
18 Then of cool hands moving over him with teasingly light caresses , but quenching some of the fire , taking away the heat .
19 In a matter of hours the surface will be cold enough for geologists , sight-seers and small boys to swarm over it without harm , apart from singed boots and perhaps bottoms .
20 The wood was pleasingly warm and aromatic ; the hot steam washed over him in tingling waves .
21 The Ezbekiya did indeed have its moments , in the very early morning when there were few people about and the big falcons sailed over it with their unexpectedly musical cries and the Egyptian doves cooed softly in the palm trees , but on the whole what Owen liked was the Ezbekiya 's outside .
22 He stood up , his deep blue glance moving over her in a slow appraisal that burned into the very pores of her skin , and she realised , in those few heart-stopping moments , what a mistake it had been to confront him .
23 A young policeman stood over her to her right .
24 Father was a huge figure bending over him in the dark .
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