Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She 's written to her M P , Andrew Smith , and at the start of this year , British Rail allowed her into the buffet car .
2 Felipe 's possessive attitude rid her of the attentions of Peter Rainford and when Felipe offered to show them Ana 's skills neither of them looked overjoyed .
3 Nor was there the slightest need to tell her of the thoughts that were uppermost in his mind .
4 When I ran back to the girl , there were a couple of railwaymen on their way to work and another policeman carrying her to the Out-patients .
5 When they stepped into the street the damp warmth hit her in the face and the heat of the pavements struck through the thin soles of her shoes so that every step of the way was like treading on hot cinders .
6 She began walking towards the depression , as four suited figures followed her from the ship , still arguing about the paperwork .
7 Yet if Elizabeth relied more heavily than her predecessors on direct taxation to carry her through the years of peace , she showed a greater reluctance than her father to squeeze the country heavily in times of war .
8 But it took a trained observer to follow her through the quicksands of her disapprobation ; a false step on the part of one of the aunts , for instance , could have reversed her attitude , and led her into a eulogy of black , into a martyred position whence the garments of all the others were an insult to her lone and exclusive widowhood , into a position where she alone had the right to flout the weight of tradition .
9 Gathering her courage together , she descended from the gig and waited for the old man to precede her across the porch .
10 The very prospect of her life being picked over like some succulent titbit chilled her to the bone .
11 The Factory Whistle had been republished a few days before , and beside her Viola kept the pile of six copies sent her by the publishers , with its Lowry-ish cover of tall chimneys and matchstick men .
12 Did n't it hurt his arm to hold her like this ? she wondered distractedly , but then another tremulous whimper escaped her as the hand holding her against him moved to cover her breast .
13 You 'd like that , would n't you , Leith ? ’ he had the unmitigated nerve to put her on the spot .
14 From time to time , too , Jenna caught Alain 's dark eyes watching her through the driving mirror , and she was greatly relieved when they began to skirt Paris .
15 She looked up and found Alain 's eyes on her , the dark gaze studying her through the driving mirror .
16 Ten minutes of easy walking brought her to the cul-de-sac where Delia Forbes lived .
17 And after another sleepless night , the green-eyed woman took her to the commanding officer .
18 Not only do her efforts to assert her freedom from male domination lead her into the hands of another man , but she is also punished for her resistance by having her words deemed valueless , just as today ‘ pseudo-escaperoutes will so lightly turn sado-escape , and … women 's very freedom will so easily be used against them by even moderately clever men ’ ( 12 ) .
19 If Flavia 's passion and occasional petulance in the second book diminish her from the dedicated Elphberg to a woman of lesser breed , she becomes more individual , a more positive key to the course of a story which , as compelling as The Prisoner of Zenda in its chases and escapes , its dark streets and darker forests , and as strongly tied by the theme of honour , is subtly more human than its predecessor .
20 One large , official hand grasped her by the elbow .
21 Nick Bollettieri , whose Bradenton , Florida Coaching Academy continues to be the base for a whole host of tennis champions , including currently , Andre Agassi , and who is committed to helping the Lawn Tennis Association to set up a similar training base her in the UK , has , in conjunction with adidas , launched a fast and functional range of tennis apparel for this country .
22 A policewoman with long experience in dealing with sexual abuse did express the opinion that policemen can sometimes be more effective than women in encouraging very young male victims to talk about their experiences : and this policewoman was in favour of male colleagues joining her at the RUC 's specialist sexual abuse unit .
23 She relived the agony of trying to control the boat , the moment of horror when the engine cut out , the desperate struggle to keep the dinghy from capsizing , and the ultimate horror as a giant wave swept her into the sea .
24 Two quick steps took her to the vacated table where she seized the bottle of aquavit , neatly topping up both glasses .
25 Imagine : I was a bit pissed for a start , the object of my complete love was nesting in my rear-view mirror , the corpulent groom — my best friend — who had spent three weeks pleasuring her in the Hellenic sunshine was sitting beside me with a clank of duty-free between his calves , I 'd lost my job , and the other drivers on the road were all tuning up for Formula One .
26 Leith , with two very large problems staring her in the face — the mortgage and Naylor Massingham , despite his action yesterday still there metaphorically breathing down her neck — thought a denial preferable to dampening her mother 's present happy frame of mind .
27 The numbing stupor got her through the next few hours .
28 In fact she had been feeling tired and queasy for the past few days ; and that night , when the leading man laid her on the sofa , suddenly turned her head and , without letting the audience see , vomited quietly down the sofa back .
29 The veiled Daughter kicked her in the side .
30 A pleasant-faced maid showed her into the surgery .
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