Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The big four have asked all Japanese corporations with equity-financing plans to postpone them for the time being .
2 If possible try to frame them in a dramatic way — because this is a further pointer for the children showing how you are going to work together .
3 The wide , dry eyes followed them from the kitchen as they took their leave .
4 She was not so lucky with Benton , who sprang up and crashed into her , his arms locking around her waist , their combined momentum slamming them against the door .
5 Retirement combines these two aspects of companionship , on the one hand an increasing rate of loss , and on the other , less social opportunity to replace them through the place of work .
6 This case reduces them to a single principle , the ‘ neighbour principle ’ , which emerges as part of the ratio decidendi of the case .
7 At noon , the exhausted Pack gathered together and Brown Owl led them to a shady area .
8 But , while these points may be reasonable , and some of them may be true , this attempt to embed them in a general theory or schema seems unhelpful .
9 The duo 's set seemed lethargic , a muddy mix robbing them of the textured subtleties that make their records so invigorating .
10 At least this time she had some help loading them into the van .
11 The majority of Athenian citizens were working men who needed the meagre payment that was eventually made for carrying out public duties to compensate them for the loss of daily earnings .
12 Very light , very hurried steps , but the bare , glossy wood turned them into a muffled drum-roll .
13 Then another child sorted them in a different way .
14 This attribute separates them from the outside world and can be shared by no non-Japanese .
15 The ground was largely excavated by hand , and shovelled into small tipping trucks , which were then hauled on rails by horses.4 ; Excavated material from the lower level was raised to form the top of the planes and a stretch of embanked canal to connect them with the summit pound .
16 His child-like enjoyment of the new equipment and gadgetry he came to be able to afford in later life gave warmly affectionate amusement to his friends especially when they found him camping in his own front garden in the latest tent and sleeping bag , or were asked to take him , when he was stone-blind from glaucoma , to the locations of his favourite plants to photograph them with an auto-focus camera .
17 As the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) and his Front-Bench team are so singularly ill-informed , why does not my right hon. Friend invite them to the Department for a teach-in , when they could be given the true facts and figures ?
18 It would be great to take the lads to international tournaments , because playing against foreign teams brings them on no end .
19 Some of the houses were built on high platforms to protect them from the June floods .
20 There is evidence to suggest that victims of these other forms of serious sexual assault regard them as no less serious than rape ( narrowly defined ) .
21 Since some people regard them as the ultimate madness and evil they deem it to be their moral right to break laws , mostly in a non-violent manner , as a form of protest .
22 Some people feel them as a kind of outrage and violation , and Boden was a strong-minded and passionate man .
23 Women elsewhere , different women , living by another code provided them with a common and inexhaustible theme .
24 She felt a pang of gratitude , remembering his generous offer to provide them with a month-long Sardinian holiday , not only on their anniversary this year , but every single year to come .
25 Det Insp Brian Welfare , of Sussex CID , said that he had met the university 's residential advisers to alert them to the risk to other students .
26 But many teachers feel this will be too late to make the public stop comparing them to the O-level system .
27 ‘ That old Plumpton has them in the baths — an hour , private-like , once a week . ’
28 We 'll have another message to send them in a minute . ’
29 They and others who employ what I term the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy appear , then , to believe that this model insulates them from the arguments I have been discussing .
30 Some children watched them from the shadows as they entered .
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