Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] more than a " in BNC.

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1 Severe sore throats persisting more than a day or two in a young child without signs of improvement .
2 But there are too few projects like Cleevedon , and too little money to help more than a handful of youngsters every year .
3 Neither side had more than a couple of scoring chances in the first half , and Ecchinswell took advantage of the first of these , breaking through after dispossessing Martin Whiddett on the sideline and finding a vast opening in the Alton defence .
4 Norwegian rules generally forbid foreign investors to own more than a third of an insurer .
5 As has been indicated , some provisions implied more than a customs union : membership of the EEC meant a commitment to the free movement of both capital and labour , a common investment policy , and the coordination and rationalisation of social welfare goals .
6 With the engines as well , this train covered more than a quarter of a mile standing still .
7 Clearly the whole point of the exchange , namely a request for specific information and an attempt to provide as much of that information as possible , is not directly expressed in ( 2 ) at all ; so the gap between what is literally said in ( 2 ) and what is conveyed in ( 3 ) is so substantial that we can not expect a semantic theory to provide more than a small part of an account of how we communicate using language .
8 His instincts finally rang the bell and told him this man had more than a casual interest in what might be going on downstairs .
9 Since these have to do with complex processes of political control and relationships between industrial relations actors and the state , an adequate understanding of them and their historical context requires more than a superficial acquaintance with the countries concerned .
10 Montgomery had seen too many such people to feel more than a token sympathy .
11 ROWLAND S HOWARD These Immortal Souls ' Australian exile recounts more than a decade on the musical edge …
12 The Abbots united for the inevitable photograph bear more than a passing resemblance to a sports team .
13 In the Netherlands , the task of refining and extending the revolutionary concept of the Woonerf and separately applying its most valuable elements continues more than a decade after its inception .
14 Its fine architecture decorated with giant banded pilasters have more than a hint of northern Mannerism in spite of the fact that they were finished as late as 1653 .
15 Apparently it is not intended to decide that a bowler with a long run pays more than a dashing opening batsman , but rather to ensure that a highly-paid Test cricketer does not necessarily pay the same amount as a young uncapped player .
16 The report also warns drinkers to expect big differences in prices between locals in the same town , with upmarket pubs in prime locations charging more than a no-frills bar on the outskirts .
17 There is always some moisture around , many rocks containing more than a gram of water either crystallised or trapped in the spaces between the rock 's atoms .
18 The concentration of chloride in interstitial water in the unsaturated zone is a chemical record that represents recharge to the saturated zone covering more than a century .
19 The results for those universities producing more than a total of 10 theses on Scottish geology between 1960 and 1983 are shown ranked as Table 5 — Changes in proportion of Scottish geology theses with time .
20 And occasionally , as now , it so happened that duty and pleasure would fall together in a sweet coincidence ; and from Parson 's Pleasure , after dutifully forbidding Lewis to linger more than a couple of hours or so , Morse himself departed .
21 The four-point agreement follows more than a year of contacts with the Fund by Peru 's foreign debt negotiator , Abel Salinas , and is an about-turn by President Alan Garcia .
22 More important , James IV lived in what J. R. Hale has described as a new age — the age when European wars became more than a matter of ‘ violent housekeeping ’ .
23 Inner cities have more than a proportionate share of social problems .
24 Temporary jobs lasting more than a week can be considered in terms of whether they open or reopen rights to Unemployment Benefit .
25 Immediately — and this can be well understood — Coastal Command had more than a passing interest because it was having a desperate struggle with the U-boats in the Atlantic and , naturally , it was very keenly supported by the Admiralty and the Navy to boot , to get hold of this latest model .
26 After a show in Groningen , several complained and the next night they played a mammoth set lasting more than a hour , boasting four encores .
27 But the exiled soldier wanted more than a place to stay : he wanted , to a Peter Pan-ish degree , everything as it had been in his childhood home .
28 Spaces with more than two dimensions require more than a single parameter to describe the Gaussian curvature at a given point .
29 Willy Russell 's Liverpool-based woman-at-play film has more than a passing resemblance to Letter to Brezhnev but is none the worse for that .
30 Grant was withheld as a penalty if local authorities spent more than a specified amount and this involved detailed assessments of each authority 's needs for expenditure .
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