Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] that any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Requirements of this sort mean that any system must incorporate a report writer which is intelligible to ordinary users .
2 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that any study of avionic repair facilities does not affect the Royal Naval aircraft yard at Fleetlands in my constituency ?
3 Does my right hon. Friend agree that any proposal to double the European Community structural funds will inevitably result in higher tax bills for the British taxpayer ?
4 Does my hon. Friend agree that any proposal to abolish the upper limit on national insurance contributions would mean that millions of people who could never remotely be regarded as rich would pay a great deal more in contributions and get nothing extra in benefits ?
5 Does my right hon. Friend agree that any proposal to raise the higher rate of income tax , as advocated by the Opposition , would be damaging for morale and prosperity , because such a move would not only destroy the will to work but drive some of our best brains out of the country ?
6 * A report published on Feb. 24 by the UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency argues that southern African countries would not be able to provide adequate policing to ensure that any ivory trade came only from legitimate sources ; it also alleges that the Zimbabwean and South African armed forces are involved in illegal smuggling .
7 Economic and political realities in Latin America determine that any government , whatever its orientation , will ultimately have to find a modus vivendi with Washington .
8 The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights reported that any prison warders found guilty of beating prisoners were punished .
9 These results suggest that any sleep is enough to prevent the failures of attention which worsen performance on the tasks which are most sensitive to the effects of loss of sleep .
10 They seldom incorporate weatherstripping , and ordinary galvanised types need regular checks to ensure that any damage does n't lead to rust .
11 Around the world , many cultures believe that any harm done to a dolphin may cause ill-fortune or sickness .
12 At Baker Street Estates our clientele are all treated as individuals and detailed advice from an experienced member of our integrated team ensures that any property requirement can be efficiently satisfied from an office that offers the friendliest atmosphere in W1 .
13 The influential work of John Bowlby has led many people to believe that any kind of mother-child separation during the first few years of a child 's life should be avoided .
14 NB In spite of our attempt to seek information relating only to time spent on specific work on the nature of language and its role in the world , it was clear that many respondents considered that any course on ( e.g. ) language teaching methods or reading methods was entirely ‘ about ’ language .
15 Does the Prime Minister accept that any reform of the government of Scotland implies some useful reform of the procedures of this place ?
16 And yet many students fear that any form of repetition will be ‘ boring ’ .
17 There are no indications from Berry ( No. 2 ) that this was contemplated and considerable reason to think that any attempt to have done so would have been futile .
18 All the small states fear that any strengthening of the European Parliament , where they have relatively few seats in comparison with big brothers like Britain and Germany , will lead to a weakening of their influence by comparison with the Council of Ministers , which they attend as equals .
19 Broadly speaking , one argument asserted that any improvement in the adverse conditions of life was inherently desirable and should not be withheld from a needy community .
20 A recent review of that book suggested that any connection is superficial rather than essential .
21 But the sensational pile-up re-emphasised that any horse could win the National and revitalised public interest .
22 Growing ecumenical co-operation and an increasingly common repertoire demand that any survey of church music today should include some reference to the music used in the worship of traditions other than that of the Church of England .
23 An Israeli military spokesman denied that any artillery had been fired yesterday after clashes on Saturday night with guerrillas of Hezbollah , the Shia Muslim militia backed by Iran .
24 The Vietnamese and their Cambodian friends say that any peace plan so far offered could easily be subverted by the Khmers Rouges .
25 Whinges about the black market for centre-court tickets are as much a part of the Wimbledon tennis championships as thunderstorms are — but this year 's new rules mean that any tout reselling tickets at Wimbledon next month could end up in a magistrate 's court .
26 It can be extended for the specific purpose of retraining you for new work provided that any agreement to do so :
27 The new law stated that any Pole aged 35 or over and enjoying full electoral rights could run for the presidency ; the signatures of at least 100,000 electors would be required to secure nomination as a candidate .
28 The Swiss Supreme Court says that any money will be released to the Philippine government only after a number of conditions have been met .
29 The rhetorical approach emphasizes that any attitude is more than an expression in favour of a position : it is also implicitly or explicitly an argument against a counter-position .
30 Armenian nationalist leaders warned that any attempt by troops to disarm the militias operating there might produce a bloodbath .
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