Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] not [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its economic base lay not in manufacturing but in commerce , contracting and land .
2 It seems that this passage led Barnett J. ( and indeed the Court of Appeal ) to conclude that the district judge should have approached the inquiry on the footing that ( i ) the burden of showing that the continuance of the prosecution would be a misuse of the process of the court rested upon the applicant , but ( ii ) this burden could prima facie be discharged by demonstrating an inexcusably long delay , unless the prosecution could in turn discharge the burden of showing that prejudice did not in fact follow from the delay .
3 In 1956 two American physicists , Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang , suggested that the weak force does not in fact obey the symmetry P. In other words , the weak force would make the universe develop in a different way from the way in which the mirror image of the universe would develop .
4 The short answer is that we can not , and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve .
5 These techniques may be the conscious application of ideas which have been subjected to previous appraisal and are therefore the realization of principles , or they may simply be a set of more or less formulaic activities sanctioned not by appraisal but by the approval of authority .
6 The argument that is to be found most frequently in the writings of the philosophers who held this conception does not in fact relate to colours and sounds , though colours and sounds certainly received a good deal of attention .
7 It might seem strange that rapes such as these carry a lower penalty than a Category 2 case in which the defendant threatens violence against one party with the aim of securing intercourse with another , but where no violence is perpetrated and sexual intercourse does not in fact take place .
8 This girl had not of course been told of the scandal of the boss 's daughter , and she willingly went to the tall cabinet , found the card , read it to Alice who memorised it and ran out .
9 Popular movements did not of course remain outside the influence of market forces .
10 British concerns do not of course merely consist of such generalities .
11 His mistakes in foreign affairs sprang not from expansionism or malevolence but from non-comprehension , shortsightedness and an undue sense of his own importance .
12 This fellowship does not of course embrace Rome ; in Pilgrim 's Progress , Christian encounters Giant Pope , old and biting his nails because he can not get at the pilgrims , and mumbling to them , ‘ You will never mend till more of you be burned . ’
13 The £1,800 earmarked for extensions and alterations to the Civic Centre had not in fact been turned down by the Liberal administration but had merely been cynically deferred until after the byelection !
14 The solution to this problem lies not in legislation but in effective screening of potential surrogate mothers .
15 The definition of price stickiness which we shall employ in this section does not in fact alter very much the policy implications of the model developed in the previous chapter , although it may have implications for the test of that model .
16 These alignment rules mean that such computers do not in fact operate as pure byte-oriented machines , and are a consequence of a way in which the architecture of the computers has been implemented .
17 Robert Kerr caused outrage in the mid-1860s by suggesting that the doctrine of three bedrooms ( stipulated in the 1840s when the blue books revealed a high incidence of incest ) should be abandoned ; but , though the moral problems did not of course vanish , his view came to be increasingly shared .
18 Such figures do not of course reflect variation in household constitution : Bangladeshi households were typically extended either longitudinally ( over three generations ) or laterally ( two or more brothers living with their wives and children ) .
19 The first clear indication of a real shift in attitude towards the Roman Empire comes not from evidence relating to Euric himself , but rather from a letter of Sidonius discussing the accusations levelled against the prefect of Gaul , Arvandus , in 468 .
20 Such accusations lie not with counselling , but with a kind of primitive logic which associates pain with whatever is most closely at hand .
21 Although " this offer has been accepted by Marshal Tito " , it had " subsequently been discovered that these troops had not in fact entered Austria … it was possible to turn them over to Marshal Tito in complete formation , and prevention of infiltration into Austria was essential for operational reasons " .
22 Despite being linked to the RPI , index-linked gilts do not in practice offer a guaranteed real return .
23 Although unfortunate for the view that latent inhibition can be equated with conditioned inhibition , these results do not in fact constitute a death blow .
24 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
25 Clause 15 of the partnership agreement stated : " in the event of a partnership being [ so determined ] the salaried partner undertakes not to practice within the practice area … " , the practice area being defined .
26 Among other metaphors there is a rich cluster based not on sight but on touch , some likewise submerged in Latin etymologies ( ‘ conceive ’ , ‘ apprehend ’ , ‘ comprehend ’ , from concipio ‘ seize together ’ , apprehendo ‘ grasp ’ , comprehendo ‘ grasp together ’ ) , others overt ( ‘ be in touch ’ , ‘ grasp ’ something , ‘ catch on ’ to it , ‘ get the point ’ , ‘ feel ’ that it is ‘ palpably ’ true ) .
27 It is only saved from universal condemnation by the partial political acceptance of the argument that this nuclear readiness does not in practice involve a real threat and that nuclear weapons will in fact never be used .
28 Most Romantic poetry depends not on statement but on suggestion and metaphor , whether concise , concrete and verbal , as in Keats and Hopkins , or diffuse , abstracted and structural , as in Shelley and Wordsworth .
29 One of the problems with continuing education lies not in learning , but in unlearning .
30 It would seem obvious that at least some of those practitioners had not in fact vanished at all , but still existed at the time of the Crusades .
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