Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] for [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may seem to some of you that there 's very little hope left for us in Krishnapur .
2 One lunchtime Minton , wearing what seemed to her a hideous sweater knitted for him by his mother , sat opposite her in the school restaurant .
3 Joe had another blacksmith working for him at the forge .
4 Ulster Unionist MP Roy Beggs said today it was essential that dyslexia was recognised as a problem and proper provision made for it in primary and secondary schools .
5 She seemed to be eased by talking of her daughter , and by the time she stopped , apologetically , and drank some tea poured for her by Catherine , she looked exhausted but less like a wraith .
6 Its size and mass are similar to the Earth , but too few data exist for it to be known whether its interior composition and structure are as similar .
7 At our next meeting Mr Client I shall not only be making recommendations but I will be explaining how each recommended product works for you in great detail .
8 Often the vendors and the purchasers each appoint a firm of chartered accountants to act for them in determining the relevant amount and reference to a third accountant occurs only if the two firms can not agree on that amount .
9 In Nicholson v. Harper ( 1895 ) A owned some goods stored for him at a warehouse .
10 It 's a par three and I 'm assured that it measures more than the hundred and forty yards required for us to be par three .
11 On the landing , looking out over the High Street , Aziz , wearing new brown overalls bought for him by the headmaster , seemed to be waving to his friend .
12 There would be no tall good-looking man waiting for them at the Secret Cove and , once there , she found the Place was , indeed , deserted .
13 Why were some men waiting for her on the night she died ?
14 She had changed into some clothes brought for her by a clerk who had been sent out with a handful of roubles to a nearby shop .
15 The English form requires the applicant to specify the name of an English solicitor to act for him in England .
16 A final point about advertising revenue — and of major importance — was that media to some extent competed for it between as well as among themselves .
17 Here , the best I could get for you is evens , but with another fiver collected for you from me mates , and the prize for winning , you 'll go home with fifty pounds in your pocket .
18 So the black-backed gulls wait for them in the air in front of the cliffs , wheeling and circling on the up-draught created as the wind , blowing in from the sea , is deflected upwards .
19 The arrival of the carrack and the news of her betrothal was now well known in the barony , and the valedictory Mass said for her in the church of St James in Dingle was attended by the town Sovereign and the local dignitaries and as many of the working folk of Dingle and the surrounding villages as could find kneeling space in the church .
20 The painting , which represented the god of wine , Dionysos , might have had a happier fate had Mummius agreed to the bid of 100 talents made for it after the sack by King Attalus of Pergamum , but Mummius was intent on taking his booty to Rome .
21 they do n't want to have some er official or or some management consultant who 's eager to get a job and get extra money paid for him by a dumb government department , if those people are going to tell us what sort of people we want on that on police authorities , I think it is total insolence and I trust that whatever happens to this Bill that that answer that was given on the 17th of January is removed and replaced by something else , if it has to be replaced at all .
22 The splendid packed lunch arranged for me by Major Hal that morning plus the thermos of American coffee made a welcome lunch as ‘ Deemy ’ and I winged our solitary way over the continuous stretches of grasslands , lakes and rivers of Siberia to make a smooth landing at the Russian Air Force base at Irkutsk early that evening .
23 Under the heading , ’ Other Benefits ’ — uncosted — it said : ’ The further benefits from Nurse Prescribing are the benefits to patients of faster access to some prescription items and the benefits they will derive from additional items prescribed for them by District Nurses and Health Visitors . ’
24 My own view is that while that type of system will be important in the future it may not have the central role assumed for it by John Alvey — hence my plea For more resources to be devoted to looking at real user needs and trying out alternatives to the IKBS approach .
25 The state should give substantial financial inducements to mothers of pre-school children to care for them at home ; because of the economic situation , this may , to begin with , have to be on a sliding scale according to need .
26 In addition to the two avant-garde poles represented for him by Schoenberg and Stravinsky , he has a minor category consisting of music that makes use of materials ‘ which fell by the wayside … waste products and blind spots … all that which did not fit properly into the laws of historical movement ’ ; the ‘ anachronistic quality ’ of this material ‘ is not wholly obsolete since it has outwitted the historical dynamic ’ .
27 Russian into business.Market stalls might not hold that much interest for the average Briton , but for Ekaterina Likhoda from Nizhni Tagil in the Russian Urals , ( see below , far right with South Wales Society president Paul Marshall — also pictured on the far left are Ekaterina 's interpreter , Olga Lewis , and Michelle Thomson , owner of the fruit stall ) it was all part of an unusual business-study trip arranged for her by the Institute 's General Practitioner Board .
28 THIS SEASON of violent contrasts started for me on TV-am where , as part of the Christmassy Victorianisation of After Nine , I sat on the sofa in bustle and bare bosom ( well , upper bosom anyway ) and suitably black-lace-becapped to be a Fin de Siecle ( nineteenth variety ) agony aunt .
29 The divine drama illuminated for us by the Holy Spirit disintegrates into puzzles , conundrums and endless interpretations .
30 That period ended for us on December 31st .
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