Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [pron] at the " in BNC.

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1 But another sister followed me at the Dowsons when I left to get married .
2 I 'm beginning to realize why perfectly sane people pitch themselves at the mercy of the elements miles from the security of terra firma , has provided the perfect resort for our first events of the .
3 Cecil has not won the 2,000 Guineas since Wollow scored in 1976 , but Pursuit of Love is a genuine contender and it will take a convincing performance from either Forest Tiger or Dr Devious in today 's Craven Stakes to displace him at the head of Ladbrokes ' market — and other firms could well follow suit .
4 They get some man to do it at the moment .
5 On June 1 End Product Duty — the system that assesses the tax on beer as it is about to leave the brewery — replaced the old system assessing it at the beginning of fermentation .
6 So the real question facing us at the moment is not whether there should be a relationship , or whether there should be a link but in what way we should modernize it and arrange it today .
7 His incredible determination and immodest personality kept him at the top of his profession .
8 A policewoman with long experience in dealing with sexual abuse did express the opinion that policemen can sometimes be more effective than women in encouraging very young male victims to talk about their experiences : and this policewoman was in favour of male colleagues joining her at the RUC 's specialist sexual abuse unit .
9 Nor was hegemony an inevitable or universal phenomenon , and conscious efforts to combat it at the ideological level were a necessary part of the socialist project .
10 Leighton 's error in allowing Didier Deschamps to beat him at the near post and present France with an advantage they did not deserve was crucial to the outcome of the match .
11 A spectacular display of exotic and native creatures awaits you at The Living World , where according to season , fascinating living exhibits include giant silkmoths , tropical butterflies , praying mantids , tarantulas , bees , marine and fresh water aquaria and much more .
12 Although these omissions suited me at the time , I have since found them incredible to the point of doubting my own powers of recollection , but when I checked recently with my sister , she confirmed their accuracy .
13 I hardly know what I meant to do — confront him , accuse him , bring it home to him that hellfire awaited him at the reckoning if he did not confess his sin and pay the price of it now . ’
14 He was almost on the point of signing before his better judgement saved him at the last moment from the emetic flower-child rompings of this 1972 Paramount flop .
15 It accuses " particular producer groups " of " manipulating domestic environmental policies to benefit themselves at the expense of both the rest of the economy and ultimately even the environment " .
16 It was a great pleasure to meet you at the Conference in Lisbon and to talk about your proposal for an introduction to CALL .
17 We must now return to the general situation in which 5 Corps found itself at the end of 15 May .
18 ‘ As they strap in for holiday flights , how many people imagine themselves at the controls ? ’ said a Virgin spokesman .
19 He knew that he would have to climb down , hand over hand , foot dangling until it got a hold , body close to the wood , face turned up and away from whatever awesome sight awaited him at the bottom of the tree .
20 A sternfaced Sergeant meets me at the entrance to the big house .
21 Liam wondered why there were such long faces to greet him at the shop .
22 Another sharp blast of heavy rain threw itself at the windowpanes of her flat , and brought Leith , startled , out of the brown study she had fallen into .
23 The fact that the Prime Minister of Great Britain had twice flown to Germany to intercede with him , and on the third occasion had hurried across Europe with the heads of the French and Italian Governments to meet him at the shortest possible notice , constituted a personal triumph for Hitler .
24 When we arrived it seemed such a friendly place , there would be 2 or 3 people to meet you at the gates and welcome you in .
25 a specially coded hyphen which is only displayed when formatting of the hyphenated word puts it at the end of a line .
26 A rebuilt Lower Gate matches it at the other end .
27 A twenty-five-foot wave flung itself at the canoe from an unexpected angle and before the crew could turn to absorb the blow , the Hokule'a rose up the face of the wave at forty-five degrees , and was capsized as it flew off the peak .
28 A ragged laugh escaped him at the startled look in her eyes .
29 As one director put it at the time : ‘ I will not allow my social workers , one of whose core values is honesty , to go into people 's houses and behave in a fundamentally deceitful way ’ .
30 The amount of a christian 's concern for these issues should not be based upon denominational preference or doctrinal bias , but upon a willingness to allow the compassion of loving God to affect us at the deepest level of our beings .
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