Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 However , as soon as this female lays her eggs the male deserts her , leaving her to rear this brood by herself .
2 The whole question was given a fresh airing in the March issue of the Journal of Medical Ethics , and if ethical considerations prove indecisive perhaps legal pressures might exert an untypically beneficial influence in persuading all doctors to give their patients the best professional counsel .
3 The nettles were bolder , they bravely marched right up to her very door bringing their friends the docks with them .
4 When your own practice starts it is of the utmost importance to give your cases the most meticulous attention of which you are capable , and particularly , before going into court , to familiarise yourself with the various procedural contingencies .
5 Considering that Ubogu had started the game with a wide bandage protecting his ears the injury was surprising and could only have been caused by heavy treatment from something metallic .
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