Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [verb] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 What evidence can you find which supports the idea that historical knowledge has improved with time ?
2 As was seen in Part I , the link between poverty and old age has changed over time .
3 Now if our assets if by promoting the right to buy , by having capital receipts we seem to have a large balance building up , there is the distinct risk given the sort of policies that this government has pursued over time of a we will be running a risk there , we do n't know what they 're going to do , you do n't know what they 're going to do .
4 Given that public expenditure has grown over time in the UK , how do we compare with other countries ?
5 This colouring does fade in time , if the fish survives the shock of the treatment .
6 Although the media of political socialization have changed over time , the content has not .
7 What is loosely termed ‘ global competition ’ is the outcome of how individual firms have reacted over time to the changing balance of opportunity and threat .
8 As to the first question it is clear that views as to the availability and scope of certiorari together with its actual use have varied from time to time .
9 Doctors from the hospital told the coroner that although it was ’ highly unusual ’ for such a thing to occur , such complications did arise from time to time .
10 Students might find it useful to examine and discuss the figures in Table 4.1 ; it should be born in mind , however , that definitions of indictable crimes have changed over time , as we mentioned in Chapter 1 .
11 These cities have endured through time .
12 The methods or ‘ media ’ they have used for these explorations have evolved over time — and have been aimed at an ever wider audience .
13 The relative balance of these factors has changed over time and is influenced by the type of exchange rate system in operation .
14 Even though that share seemed to fall over time , as claims were settled , the $170m insurers spent in such unproductive ways in 1989 alone would have paid for the treatment of 15 sites .
15 The name of every decent practice gets used from time to time to justify something indecent .
16 When the idea of a school-industry partnership was first mooted a fundamental question required answering before time and resource could be committed to its development .
17 The methods of distributing the general grant have varied over time .
18 The total amount paid decreases over time , as it consists of a constant principle repayment plus interest on the outstanding principle .
19 He jettisoned his parachute but died after his reserve chute failed to open in time .
20 However , the weights may soon become out-of-date : in particular , the Laspeyres index will tend to give too much weight to those goods whose relative prices have increased over time since increases in relative prices are usually associated with decreases in quantity demanded .
21 Also , the Paasche index tends to give too little weight to those goods whose relative prices have increased over time .
22 Table 3.1 lists the four factors which determine the financial status of elderly people — employment , state benefits , private savings , and family transfers — and it can be seen that their relative shares have changed over time , with the decline in employment income roughly matching the rise in state benefits .
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