Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 When each pairing had gone through 200 moves of the game , the winnings were totalled up and the winner declared .
2 Britain , to which the other West European states had looked after 1945 for a lead , was , if any further evidence had been required , clearly in the wings .
3 The results showed that capercaillie had vanished from 12 of the 56 forests which had held them for 20 years , and numbers had declined in nearly all the other forests .
4 In October 1974 Labour won only a small majority of seats but that majority had disappeared by 1976 , because a number of minor nationalist parties were able to maximize their effect on the electoral system by virtue of their votes being concentrated into a limited number of constituencies , and because by-elections were lost .
5 By December 1989 agricultural exports had increased by 12 per cent , having gained ground in all the USA 's top 10 export markets apart from the EC , where sales dropped by 13 per cent .
6 But whereas , in 1981 , 14,250 books sold for every title published , in 1987 that figure had fallen to 10,913 .
7 Is the Minister aware that there were more than 17,000 people employed in the Scottish coal industry in 1984 , but by 1989 that figure had fallen to 3,480 and it will be even smaller now ?
8 In 1990 , a total of 903 knives were seized at ports , airports and other points of entry and in 1991 that figure had risen to 2,082 .
9 In 1879 only 10 per cent of the tonnage launched on the Clyde was of steel construction , but by 1889 that figure had risen to 97 per cent .
10 Four years later , on 31 March 1991 , that figure had risen to 6,130 , which represents 63 per cent .
11 In 1951 there were approximately 15,300 settlers from the Caribbean in Britain : ten years later that figure had risen to 171,500 .
12 In 1956 , only 600 sets received the images produced by the state broadcasting company , Spanish Radio-Television ( Radio Televisión Española , RTVE ) , but , by 1958 , that figure had leapt to 40,000 .
13 Given the difficulties of keeping tabs on faraway players , it comes as no surprise to learn that Bilardo has appealed to one of the key figures of his 1986 World Cup team , the 34-year-old Jorge Valdano , to end his two-year retirement .
14 Given the difficulties of keeping tabs on such faraway players , it comes as no surprise to learn that Bilardo has appealed to one of the key figures of his 1986 World Cup team , the 34-year-old Jorge Valdano , to come out of his two-year retirement .
15 After proctors of the lower clergy had objected in 1269 to being committed to a grant simply by the assent of the bishops , a council of prelates in the next year agreed on their own behalf to a subsidy of one twentieth for the king , but only extended it to the rest of the clergy after approval by diocesan synods .
16 Widespread flooding , loss of life , property damage and economic disruption has occurred across one-third of Ecuador .
17 BRITISH Rail has called on four rail unions to agree plans to limit excessive overtime worked by signals and telecommunications engineers as part of a radical review of pay and working conditions following the disaster .
18 Sexual impairment has occurred in three male patients ( 4% ) .
19 A British car had gone off one of the mountain roads and plunged three hundred feet into a ravine .
20 Official estimates released on June 24 showed that foreign investment had increased by 48 per cent in 1992 .
21 Teenage pregnancies have soared by 35 per cent since 1980 .
22 But soon Owen 's erstwhile disciple T. H. Huxley began to question the dinosaurs ' relationships to lizards ; he saw the closeness of birds to some reptiles , and inferred that at least some dinosaurs had gone on two legs rather than four , the Iguanodon among them .
23 The Labour share of the popular vote had fallen from 50.4 per cent in 1945 to 49.2 per cent , but the party had lost nearly 100 seats .
24 Meanwhile , Another Coral has hardened to 5–1 favourite to land his second successive Mackeson Gold Cup at Cheltenham on Saturday .
25 ENROLMENT of full-time students in English polytechnics has increased by 47 per cent over the last eight years , compared with a rise of only 3 per cent in universities , Her Majesty 's Inspectors said yesterday .
26 Australian mining companies have been pressing hard for the upgrade for the past 18 months but , ironically , demand for Landsat data in the last few months has dropped by 60 per cent .
27 As we enter the nineties we are progressing slowly with direct mail in UK politics , but national attempts by the different parties have failed for one reason or another .
28 Income from sport and commercial fishing has fallen by 80 per cent over the last four years .
29 Recent changes in large household sizes have been even more spectacular — in 1971 6 per cent of households contained six or more persons : by 1985 , this figure had fallen to 2 per cent ( General Household Survey 1985 , 1987 , Table 3.11 ) .
30 The relative lack of council housing has made this system more important : in 1948 34 per cent of farmworkers lived in tied housing , but by 1976 this figure had increased to 53 per cent .
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