Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This experience gave him at least a chance of succeeding in the Caucasus .
2 This key enables you to temporarily exit from a LIFESPAN option to access VMS .
3 One estimate of this period puts it at about thirty days .
4 When I drew the attention of the Leader of the Opposition to a previous threat of this kind , made by the hon. Member for Coventry , South-East ( Mr. Nellist ) , the right hon. Gentleman withdrew it at once .
5 Some people remember you from before ; some do n't .
6 This code allows you to actually record any production music before you come to us for a licence .
7 Injection into an already unstable laser stabilises it at high enough y-values : at low values of y the behaviour is , unsurprisingly , irregular .
8 The French suffered enormous casualties , including Ring John of Bohemia , the Duke of Lorraine and the Counts of Blois and Flanders , and Froissart suggests that only Edward 's decision not to pursue the remnants of the French forces saved them from even more serious losses .
9 Probably you could buy them some stores have them for maybe a week or so .
10 A few francs get you into both house and grounds .
11 When she got pregnant her social worker booked her into here , as there was not much space at her home and Barbara agreed that it was n't right that her mother should have her back with a baby as well .
12 This option enables you to either grant or deny approval to a package .
13 This option enables you to quickly determine whether a DC has been fully assessed , and if not , which LIFESPAN users have still to assess it .
14 More practically , it is probably one reason why the E. coli of distant lands , where different diets provide it with significantly distinct primary habitats , are apt to give the intrepid traveller diarrhoea .
15 Yet its quasi-mystical elements prevent it from fully using its potential .
16 if it 's here it 's not much point leaving it for once a year .
17 Lord John had hoped that his friend would accompany him , but he sensed how much Manvell despised him for so easily surrendering to Sharpe 's threat .
18 They shared a deep marble bath , with warm water showering them from above , and as the oil was washed from their bodies so he fucked her again .
19 The following day took me over more stark hills and across empty plains and plateaux .
20 While that particular strain of thinking was busy degenerating into New Pop , scholars , as they will , peeled back this pop cartoon to find the real thing feeding it from beneath … torch singers .
21 Unlike a person whose actual reading betrays his powers of concentration , Mrs Varden 's pretended reading prevents her from actually reading , because in order to monitor and enjoy its communicative effect it would be impossible for Mrs Varden to accomplish the deed of reading in earnest .
22 If you take that kind of view , then of course Russell 's persistent emotionality and his characterization of the world in these personal terms is a failure , erm something that he was never able to overcome , something for all his passionate moral convictions prevented him from really seeing himself at one with other people .
23 So it is good to have these idiomatic recordings to remind us of just how good a pianist he was : in both the Concerto and the Rhapsody , rock-solid technique serves real musicality , and this CD would be worth acquiring on the strength of the Gershwin works alone .
24 By taking a two or three centre holiday you at least have a chance to see as much as possible .
25 I had for many months loved her from afar .
26 Such family odours are common in the animal world , and many animals extend them by deliberately merging their individual smells to produce an identifiable group odour .
27 These investors can not be bothered to attend annual general meetings : many companies conclude theirs in well under an hour .
28 David ( under 48 kilo category ) held a full two-year unbeaten record until recently , when a fractured elbow caused him to narrowly lose the 1991 Junior British Championships , a title he won in 1990 .
29 He managed to catch Angus a half-decent clip across the right ear , but the sinister Campbell grabbed him from behind and clung to his neck .
30 This is n't such a bad thing : the Mournes never looked comfortable with so many people tramping them at once .
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