Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They were rusticated like naughty undergraduates to remote provinces — Molotov as ambassador to Ulan Bator , Malenkov to run a power station , Kaganovich to run a cement works , while Marshals Zhukov and Bulganin in due course followed them into retirement .
2 His political inclinations got him into trouble again in 1940 , however .
3 They produce beef that no one will buy at the price at which they want to sell it , so they are subsidised by the European taxpayer to dump it in West Africa , where it destroys the livelihoods of poor farmers .
4 For a moment he thought there was a double meaning in her words , but he dismissed the thought when he recognised it was one of her usual openings to draw him into conversation .
5 I shall describe these approaches as ideal types , but in each case illustrate them by reference to the work of one or another theologian .
6 She pulled off a fluffy piece and with sticky fingers offered it to Uncle Albert .
7 Indeed it has been almost necessary for the agricultural industry to ignore it in order to develop the modern chemical systems of farming .
8 The use of enamel , the brilliant understanding of colour , yes , that piece reminded him of Giuliano , though-the design was more subtle , less heavy .
9 that she actually has officially erm the Prime Minister 's political adviser briefs her on events in the war , or has been briefing her .
10 Do you know it is possible because of the fear of people around you , the fear of your peers , the fear of what men may say , of what your family will think , of what your work mates might say about you , it is possible to allow that fear to send you to hell .
11 He went upstairs to his shattered bedroom to fetch it for Harry .
12 Each side takes it in turn to bat .
13 If the failed attempt to oust him from Wadham in 1654 was the work of stricter puritans who suspected him of reducing Christianity to morality , so in the 1660s his ‘ club for comprehension ’ evoked the censure of high churchmen .
14 When Adam was 9 , she took the brave decision to remove him from school because she thought he was being held back .
15 Many librarians , especially in Hertfordshire , remedied their lack by attending Garnett College for a one-year course preparing them as teachers in further education .
16 Serbian opponents accuse him of blackmail and extortion .
17 ( His introduction of lime juice ( and hence vitamin C ) into the sailors ' daily rations cured them of scurvy and gained for the British tars the nickname of ‘ limeys ’ . )
18 I always donate to these organisations and have benefited to the extent that organisations like THT , Body Positive and LAGER have made the general public aware of the infection and have made some employers take it into account .
19 this opportunity to welcome you to Barley Hall again and er I hoped you all enjoyed Charles ' bit .
20 It 's the usual imaginative , expensive production , in this case whisking us from London to New York to New Orleans .
21 But we were barely half-way before clouds crept down the high peaks to threaten us with rain or sleet .
22 But they will have to beat off a challenge from French millionaires Monaco , who head a posse of foreign clubs shadowing him at Forest .
23 The work was interesting and the pay was excellent , but an offer from one of his old lecturers tempted him to Bristol .
24 The FE market was large and growing , and the recent Budget had allowed still further provision to expand it in line with government policy to increase student numbers by 25% over the next three academic years , Mr Whitnall said .
25 Our police are so busy trying to catch the culprits , but then I read in the Press last week of a young man causing £60,000 of damage by graffiti and getting off free because it would be a waste of public money to put him on probation .
26 His graphic accounts of this experience established him as anthropology 's Conrad and gave the subject the fiercely empirical tradition which is its hallmark in Britain to this day .
27 Evaluation of the McClellan system is difficult because there have been so few opportunities to see it in operation .
28 The ball soars and ploughs into some branches showers him with twigs and leaves .
29 For a long moment all she could do was stare back at him , his dark fathomless eyes holding her in thrall .
30 ‘ What I 'd like you to know is that when it was all over and Peter was back from America , the grave-diggers were down here on their bended knees begging him for forgiveness because they knew it was a nasty business and said had they known at the time they 'd have had nothing to do with it . ’
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