Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lou had allowed her coal-black hair to grow into a softer , more feminine style that flattered her small features .
2 Its unusual mahogany colouring and coat pattern , with a bold white finching along the back and underside and flashing white tail , suggest close links with the extinct Glamorgan ( see Welsh cattle ) and most would accept that the two in due course merged into a single breed .
3 The mode and relations of production in an economy dominated by a smallholding peasantry strengthen the ability of the bureaucracy to control without strengthening the ability of other political institutions to intervene in a representative capacity .
4 However , this investigation used collocations extracted from a domain-specific corpus , and test data taken from the same domain .
5 On the other hand when the Goigama made money payments in return for services or labour it was always to people who were right outside the system such as shopkeepers or Tamil labourers hired on a casual basis .
6 Eight clubs tied to an electronic stadium advertising deal stymied Bass and the rump of 14 are concerned at the influence of an elite eight .
7 Nevertheless , the Templars continued meeting in secret , each coven acting like a small community , the mysteries of the Order being passed from one generation to another . ’
8 Mr Tom King , Defence Secretary , said Mr Kinnock was guilty of a ‘ monstrous cover-up ’ over the true extent of the party 's links with CND and questioned his ability to deliver strong defence based on a nuclear deterrent .
9 Bits of the well-organised election looked like a utopian dream of the new world order : Indians and Canadians , Ghanaians and Australians , travelling the countryside with helicopter-borne polling stations , bringing democracy to grateful if puzzled peasants in distant Cambodian villages .
10 This is because each hair consists of a sharp , hollow spine , the walls of which contain silica , making them glass-like and brittle .
11 The gentlemen in Virginia were in no position to do this ; they had very little money to spend in a gentlemanly way and no particular experience of colonization to give them any other claims to respect and obedience , as nothing got done and about 60 of the 100 initial settlers died in 1607 .
12 In 1981 a report to the European Parliament by P. de Keersmaeker of the European Commission expressed wholehearted support for the principle of a fixed link , and in the same year reports based on consultations with the Council of Europe 's Conference of Local and Regional Authorities came to a similar conclusion both about the fixed link and other gaps in the European network of trunk communications .
13 But why was the capitalist mode of production more efficient than feudal landownership , and why does this generate social and political change leading to a new power structure in society ?
14 Each crypt consists of a superficial , longitudinal segment and a sonvoluted deep segment , the second usually appearing in transverse or oblique view on cut sections .
15 The lower Cetina flows in a narrow , steep-sided gorge between bare mountains rising to heights of over 1,000 m ( 3,280 ft ) which render it useless as a line of communication into the interior .
16 A similar objection to utilitarianism urged by Williams , Alasdair MacIntyre and others is that utilitarianism goes with a manipulative approach to human life .
17 It could have accepted the proposals which I put forward to rationalise and institutionalise the administrative jurisdiction in a boldly-conceived system of administrative courts separated to a large extent from the ordinary routine of departmental administration and free from indirect ministerial interference .
18 Such lack of interest in any active Turkish diplomatic relationship with the European states stemmed from a deap-seated view of the world .
19 His technical freedom combined with an orderly classical method influences his teaching .
20 The history of that provision and its abolition demonstrates clearly that income arising in an overseas company which is , for instance , owned by an overseas trust , is not income arising under a settlement for the purposes of TA 1988 , Part XV , Chapters III and IV or indeed any of the other provisions of Part XV .
21 There is thus a slight caveat on the point but subject to exceptional circumstances it is felt that taxpayers can now safely assume that income arising in an underlying company which is owned by the overseas trust can not be caught by Part XV of TA 1988 .
22 If you live north of the country and are thinking about a change of style then here 's your chance to win a fabulous hair cut in a top northern salon !
23 Then the Posh striker laid on a glorious chance six minutes from the end , only for substitute Pat Gavin to mis-time his header completely with the goal at his mercy .
24 Provision was patchy , and professional attitudes ranged from a sensitive understanding of the issues to the blandly ignorant .
25 Each level borrows from a different mythology , starting in Graeco-Roman hell ( Hades to the classical scholars ) .
26 And , of course , each level climaxes with a big supervillain .
27 So eleven minutes remaining plus a little bit of injury time , it 's still Spurs three , Oxford United one , United go forward , a chip forward there by Simpson .
28 So eleven minutes remaining plus a little bit of injury time , it 's still Spurs three , Oxford United one ; United go forward , a chip forward there by Simpson , there 's a chance for Martin Foyle , Martin Foyle — and he 's scored .
29 Behind the glass an official from the Political Branch scowled at a worried-looking black .
30 Since 1982 the government has made twenty-nine changes to the way in which the unemployed are counted , each change resulting in a downward shift in the number said to be unemployed .
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