Example sentences of "[prep] [being] [verb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Perkins may have come to regret this decision because , after being eclipsed at the exhibition , the demand for their mauve dye decreased rapidly , and they found that the commercial potential for magenta dye had been grossly underestimated .
2 After being enrolled at the university at the age of seventeen , Freud studied physiology , biology and anatomy .
3 Diego bust-up : Seville directors will today discuss Diego Maradona 's future after he stormed out of the Spanish club 's stadium after being substituted at the weekend .
4 Arrested : A distraught Ms Gibson shouts to reporters after being held at the airport
5 Though he might jibe at the London Group , his own work was sufficiently acceptable to this conservative exhibiting society for him to be elected a member in 1949 , the same year that he was represented in ‘ The Art of the Book Jacket ’ which , after being shown at the Victoria and Albert Museum , went on tour at home and abroad .
6 Egyptians have recent memories of being beaten at the hands of western-backed armies .
7 But the Liberal Democrats protested that their front bench spokesman had had to wait nearly five hours to be called by the Speaker instead of being called at the start of the debate like the Government and Opposition .
8 in respect of self-employed persons , in receipt of National Insurance Unemployment Benefit or in the absence of the entitlement to such benefit provides satisfactory evidence of being registered at the Department of Employment ( DHSS in Northern Ireland ) .
9 while they 're away , well , she never , she was quite happy to let you go ahead and do it she said , the only thing was , she said she 'd miss having the privacy in that corner because of being overlooked at the back .
10 For instance , in the law of contract the question , ‘ What is the difference between void and voidable contracts ? ’ can be accurately answered by saying that a void contract is an apparent contract that is in truth no contract at all , while a voidable contract is a contract that is capable of being avoided at the option of one party .
11 London Underground said last night the station was in the process of being evacuated at the time of the blast .
12 Despite being scheduled at the end of a long golfing year , the size of the Championship purse should ensure the participation of those eligible to enter .
13 Evidence for the importance of this ‘ rural-urban shift ’ can be found in the fact that London sustained such heavy population loss in the 1970s despite being located at the heart of the most dynamic region in the UK .
14 They always bid for funerals and I can remember folk on in being horrified at the idea that folk would put a notice in a window .
15 A lawyer and former oilfield worker , he was head of government for nine years in the 1950s and 1960s under British colonial rule before being beaten at the polls by a charismatic rival , Mr Eric Gairy .
16 And as Jake nodded , Shiona reluctantly resigned herself to being trapped at the table with him for another little while .
17 He admitted to being surprised at the progress being made in Scotland , and expressed much admiration for the work currently being planned by the SCU and Teamsport Scotland in developing coaching at both school and club level .
18 By 300 the West added the birth of Jesus integrated into a solar calendar by being placed at the winter solstice .
19 From the above brief outline of work attempting to get to grips with the character of aesthetic response it can be seen that it is both complex and ‘ multi-layered ’ , a term used by Greger ( 1972 ) to describe how multiple meanings come to attain a feeling of significance by being grasped at the threshold of consciousness .
20 It was the sort of success that saw Talk Talk having insult added to injury by being nominated at the BRITS Awards for Best Band Of 1990 .
21 When ( and only when ) five items have accumulated by being added at the end of the previous complete sentence , you reply with the type of shop — in this case obviously a chemist 's shop .
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