Example sentences of "[prep] [pn reflx] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Not a beautiful picture of himself running into the sunset .
2 Somewhere out there Michael Wayland is saying to his wife , ‘ God , when what's-that-man's-name began telling that enormously long story about how he made a fool of himself crawling round the floor on his hands and knees , which he obviously found so funny , I thought I 'd die . ’
3 Accordingly , the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a government exists as the government of a state are : ( a ) whether it is the constitutional government of the state ; ( b ) the degree , nature and stability of administrative control , if any , that it of itself exercises over the territory of the state ; ( c ) whether Her Majesty 's Government has any dealings with it and if so what is the nature of those dealings ; and ( d ) in marginal cases , the extent of international recognition that it has as the government of the state .
4 We must choose which aspects of ourself to express to the world .
5 Her eyes blurred ; she blinked to clear them , and saw a faint reflection of herself swimming in the rock , cast there by the spear-light .
6 Gilly had a vision of herself sailing around the living room of the foster home on her right foot like an ice skater .
7 But she just spat in his face and went out , slamming the door so hard that a picture of herself fell off the wall .
8 Another vivid picture , this time of herself standing by the ford in fitzAlan 's arms , insinuated itself into Isabel 's mind .
9 It reflects a conception of themselves inherited from the theory of their nature and place in a slave society , a theory they shared with the slave owners , and from whom they learned it .
10 A man and a woman watched as we came alongside with myself leaning over the side of the open bridge of Venturous .
11 Thus , although W. R. T. Skinner of the Yorkshire Electric Power Company was tarred with the company 's extreme anti-union reputation ( and not wanted by Citrine or the new Yorkshire Board ) the chairman-designate of the South Eastern Area Board was able to persuade Gaitskell to make him his deputy chairman , a position in which Skinner served loyally and efficiently for more than a decade , before himself succeeding to the chairmanship of that Board .
12 Merton 's ( 1938 ) attempt to explain crime as a response to anomie — the disjuncture between cultural goals of success and legitimate opportunity structures through which success might be realized — has been reproduced over 110 times , a fact which in itself testifies to the importance of this analysis .
13 could in itself account for the presence of high cAMP values .
14 Most days she would , sooner or later , walk down the lawn to examine her plants and I learned to wait until she had done this before myself settling in the summer-house .
15 But it was n't until a fortnight after the accident , when I took it upon myself to see to the downstairs — particularly the kitchen which was in a state — ready for Auntie 's visit next day , that the riddle was solved .
16 Projects were therefore not in themselves initiated by the ERDF ; member states put forward projects to receive assistance and the limited funds available were allocated on the basis of predetermined national quotas .
17 If his plan worked , he would have an hour or two to himself dawdling along the reef , which was a better way of spending the afternoon than acting as nanny to four Latinos .
18 One day , thought Mr Wolski to himself looking around the Zoo , this place will no longer exist , but long before then I will have left it , oh yes !
19 He 'd made no attempt to detain her , she noticed while feeling slightly irritated as she walked along the passage towards her room , but at least she 'd indicated she was not falling over herself to bask in the pleasure of his company .
20 Coming back , she saw for the first time that a letter addressed to herself lay on the kitchen table .
21 Her crisis had passed , leaving her feeling exhausted and somewhat short of breath ; it would not be difficult to allow Mitzi to rehearse her grievances against the male population without herself expanding on the subject , and thus let Mitzi believe that she was in agreement with her .
22 I think for the time being I I 'd I 'd I 'd I 'd I 'd I think that it makes sense to be fully in control of it , I think that I you know have great faith in Virgin Atlantic , erm I think that it erm it 's got a great future , erm but erm er I do n't think it would be that easy to erm you know to I do n't think we 'd have partners falling over themselves to get into the airline business in in in this recession .
23 ‘ I do n't think anything could give me as much pleasure as watching a horse I 've bred and brought on myself performing at the top of his form . ’
24 I have for myself come to the conclusion that owing to the conditions which exist in the world today , having regard to the economic environment , having regard to the situation of our country , if we go on pattering along as we are we shall have grave unemployment with us to the end of time , and I have come to the conclusion that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home markets .
25 There are four possibilities which need to be covered : ( 1 ) that he is held out as a partner and is liable as such ; ( 2 ) that he is held out as a partner but is indemnified against liability as such ; ( 3 ) that steps are taken to ensure that he is not held out as a partner ; and ( 4 ) that , even though the original intention may have been as at ( 3 ) , he is in fact held out as a partner , either by the firm or by himself acting in the course of his work for the firm , in circumstances not initially contemplated by anyone .
26 It seemed a long time since Dana 's phone call had brought Roman Wyatt into her life and she badly needed to be by herself to think about the turmoil he had caused in her ordered existence .
27 No doubt many of them agreed with Beveridge in regarding the local authorities as unsuited by themselves to cope with the administration of the service .
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