Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] [det] [conj] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He will also call for nothing less than a parallel system with equal legal status under which those who can not accept women priests will be able to continue with bishops of like mind . ’
2 He thought he would come to no harm both because people needed his services as a medical man and because he thought they would regard him as nothing more than a political eccentric .
3 In an anonymous introduction , the editor of De revolutionibus , Andreas Osiander , had implied that the earth 's motion was to be construed as nothing more than a convenient hypothesis .
4 It would be easy to dismiss her as nothing more than a minor accessory to ben Issachar 's crime against me : these women stay in the background , mind their own business over the cookpots and the infant 's cot , keep themselves out of public view .
5 He is after nothing less than a full-blown and not always approving commentary on Irish attitudes .
6 It is true , these same trivial errors did cause me some anxiety at first , but once I had had time to diagnose them correctly as symptoms of nothing more than a straightforward staff shortage , I have refrained from giving them much thought .
7 As a result of this potent combination of sentiment and self-interest , the war had assumed the character of something more than a military operation : in the minds of the military and of many civilians , left and right , it had quickly become a decisive test of France 's national will and international power .
8 Britain still talks of anything more than a 15 per cent cut in the CEGB 's emissions within ten years as being ‘ impracticable ’ .
9 It is also easier to stop the forward movement in this situation , since many models require a positive effort to make headway against anything more than a stiff breeze .
10 Irigaray goes further , exalting the metaphor of homosexuality as a kind of anti-difference into nothing less than a far-reaching theory of patriarchal society .
11 One developed into nothing more than a simple ball of cells with no gut at all , the other into a more or less normal larva .
12 If the proposals of early 1858 reached the statute book , " The whole of Russia will turn into nothing more than a military colony ( obratitsia v odno voennoe poselenie ) , and who will save it from the new Arakcheev who is emerging in the person of Iakov Ivanovich Rostovtsev ? "
13 Each chariot is drawn by two fine Elven steeds and carries a single Tiranoc noble who controls the chariot with nothing more than a spoken word .
14 Together , the Big Five laid the foundations of the distinctive Scottish systems of a small number of large banks with extensive networks , as opposed to say the English pattern of thousands of small banks with nothing more than a local presence .
15 We ca n't send Karen to the boring Isle of Man with anything less than a nineteen-carat hangover , can we ? ’
16 The prince , who took his force into Wales from Chester in good tight order , and at every mile ensured his lines behind him , was on his guard against his own instinctive enthusiasm as well as against Welsh armies , and knew enough about them by this time to feel no surprise that he should probe ever more deeply and carefully into North Wales , and never touch hands with anything more than a darting patrol , gone almost as soon as sighted .
17 Experiments show that many tolerate a wide range of light conditions , but a few high polar species perform best in long day regimes , or refuse to flower in anything less than a 22–24-hour day .
18 And to us if we are to understand him in anything more than a superficial way .
19 But in any case , Schopenhauer 's terms of reference were such that the poet-composer could never properly comply with them , for the simple reason that they reduced the role of the word in a musical context to nothing more than a necessary evil .
20 These petty morals , partly overlapping , form a cascade of precepts none of which amounts to anything more than a trite platitude .
21 We know Compaq wrote the specification when it was still a ploy — Systems Network Integration says they even have a prototype up and running — but whether this can ever amount to anything more than a high-end PC depends on sorting out fact from propaganda .
22 Nobody suggests you should buy shares over anything less than a three-to-five year period . ’
23 The ancient streets could perhaps have been left to enforce their own low driving speeds through their narrowness , their cobbled surfaces and their lack of visibility over anything more than a few metres .
24 Staff should be discouraged from carrying over anything more than a few holidays a few days holiday from one year to the next , unless it 's for specific purposes , such as climbing , catching dingo or visiting Aunty Mabel in New Zealand .
25 And drastic measures are needed in the Serious Fraud Office , set up last year , to ensure that it moves at something more than a glacial pace .
26 Indeed , if anything , they seem to have been too demoralised politically to organise effectively at anything more than a local level , and that in itself is testimony to the devastating effect of the Kulturkampf and Polenpolitik .
27 But still it was clear that , amidst her preoccupations , there was scarcely room to think of him as anything more than a temporary ally .
28 Nor were the books that Edward showed me the kind of thing I would normally have read — not , at least , as anything more than a casual browse among the dustier nooks of human eccentricity .
29 The statement said that Simranjit Singh Mann , the Akali Dal leader who had held talks with Shekhar in December , had no right to speak on their behalf and that they " would not settle for anything less than a separate state " .
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