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31 Among the nine member countries in 1985 the British pension came second to last in what it enabled older people to buy in their own countries .
32 At the same time the Bakufu was held responsible by the powers for attacks on foreigners by anti-foreign elements , over which it had little control .
33 The Group 's share of results of associated undertakings [ hereafter called associated companies ] is included in respect of companies in which the Group owns at least 20 per cent of the equity and over which it exerts significant influence .
34 The Court of Justice is composed of thirteen judges and four Advocates Generals , who guard the interpretation and application of the Treaties and EC laws , over which it has final authority .
35 In fact , the dilemma of any national state in cultural terms is that it is charged with defending cultural patrimony within a world market over which it exercises little control .
36 We must entertain doubts about Baden-Powell 's enthusiasm for Hooligans , and the extent to which it represented Edwardian wish-fulfilment rather than real accomplishment .
37 In analysing the ideology of the underground , recent work has underlined the extent to which it reflected social change and popular pressure within Russia .
38 It is , however , still very easy to pick up tufa from the latter on the coast of East Africa , to which it took 6 months to float across the Indian Ocean .
39 Thus , the wizened old woman of ‘ Col Tempo ’ from the Accademia is shown in the same room as Leonardo 's drawings of grotesque heads , to which it bears little resemblance .
40 Kibbutzim , to which it bears most resemblance , do not ; nor do the traditional Eskimo communities .
41 21 ) who explicitly rejected the ‘ classical doctrine ’ of democracy , according to which it embodies distinctive ideals concerning participation in political life and the relationship between political leaders and the people , and replaced it by another theory of democracy as ‘ competition for political leadership ’ : ‘ the democratic method is that institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people 's vote ’ ( p. 269 ) .
42 A particular point of contention is likely to arise where a group claims that it was unaware of an intention to hold a march by a group to which it holds opposing views until some time within the notification period .
43 For one school of modern historians this programme ( to which it attributes transcendent importance in the development of Carlism ) represents a reversion to a traditional monarchy ruling with the historic Cortes and subject to God and the law , a via media between imported liberalism and the equally foreign ministerial despotism of the eighteenth century , a truly Spanish solution of the political problem of modern Spain . ’
44 This is not the place to conduct a survey of Karajan 's Berlin recordings but it must be said that the 1962 Beethoven cycle was a tour de force , the finest of its kind since the Toscanini to which it paid partial homage .
45 Far below , in the street opposite the 550 building , stood the tall statue of the Garment Worker , strangely distorted from this angle , and around the plinth on which it stood ant-like figures of vagrants and layabouts sat , oblivious to the cold .
46 IBM Corp is expected to announce today that it is switching to what it calls value-based pricing for mainframe software , charging on either a per-user or elapsed time used basis ; the company issued a cryptic statement in response to the Financial Times story alleging that Louis Gerstner had put the break-up of IBM on hold , saying that Gerstner had not said such a thing for public consumption and that he had no plans to do so .
47 The Committee was explicit about what it considered these pressures to be , saying that they had ‘ encountered several cases in which young men have been induced by means of gifts or money or hospitality to indulge in homosexual behaviour with older men ’ .
48 If the BBC review degenerated into Tory revenge for what it considers long-standing bias ( a particular hobby-horse of Heseltine ) , then he will have failed .
49 Its surface area would dissipate heat continually at the same rate at which it exceeded ambient temperature , and it would need 8100 kilocalories of solar radiation in addition to its metabolic increment .
50 This is partly because Spain wants ‘ economic union ’ , by which it understands more aid for poorer countries , to be in place to cushion the shock of the monetary sort .
51 AMERICAN scientists have uncovered a previously unrecognised aspect of the anti-viral effect of interferon , to be added to the already wide range of mechanisms by which it fights viral infections .
52 One of the projects by which it sets most store is the Plants Conservation Programme , run jointly with the IUCN .
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