Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] i had been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 It dealt with something about which I had been writing to Social Security Ministers for about six months — abuse of the benefit-in-kind regulations , whereby highly paid people were paying themselves in gilt unit trusts .
2 I felt that perhaps here , at last , was the way into the treatment of genetic disorders for which I had been searching .
3 When I was eighteen I came in contact with the Catholic Crusade which was a rather left wing Christian Socialist Organization and I found that their attitude to problems contained the answers for which I had been searching for a good many years tell me when you want me to raise something .
4 Now although I am a born sceptic , suddenly being brought face to face with a seemingly identical facsimile of what I had been working on did make me pause for a few moments !
5 I did not tell him that his imitation of the French was far more like what I had been seeing for the past year .
6 It fitted in with what I had been working out already .
7 We had agreed at the start of this thing that pressing the Harwich local council for housing would probably be more trouble than it was worth : if one of their inspectors had decided to check my circumstances with the port authorities , the customs people would inevitably have found out about the way in which I had been using their cupboard ( and would have had a pink fit , probably ) .
8 Intending to be a priest of the Church of England , I lost my faith , slowly but painfully , and at the end of the summer left Oxford and the house in Norham Gardens in which I had been living for two years and in which , by a curious turn of fortune , my office now is .
9 My initial homesickness at school soon gave way to a dread of going home , home to a place where no one understood me , no one spoke the same language as I did , and no one showed the slightest interest in what I had been doing , thinking or feeling during my absence .
10 It was the prose at which I had been working all morning .
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