Example sentences of "[prep] [be] made about the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ernest Gellner and Alastair MacIntyre have both argued for the need for a judgement to be made about the degree of internal coherence and rationality in belief systems , before the sociologist can know what type of explanation to apply to the beliefs he is studying .
2 But at the time it was thought that the record had yielded up its secrets in sufficient quantities to allow confident assertions to be made about the character of the evolutionary mechanism .
3 Perhaps the most general point to be made about the survey proper is that it should be regarded as an end-point to be reached after careful preparation .
4 Only a good monitoring system would allow judgements to be made about the possibility of moving long-stay patients out of the asylums on a large scale .
5 If decisions are to be made about the deployment of resources or the implementation of the curriculum then they should be made on accurate and reliable information .
6 The observed data on income , wealth , etc. , do not correspond accurately to the theoretical constructs ; the empirical procedures have to rely on proxy measures ; assumptions have to be made about the extent to which people benefit from different public programmes and about incidence .
7 Two of them were among the first documentaries to be made about the war , and thus have considerable historical importance .
8 The onus on his/her ingenuity is reflected in the wide range of decisions that have to be made about the context in which tokens occur .
9 A decision might have to be made about the number of elderly people for which it is possible to take responsibility in any one family .
10 Another type is problem-solving calls , such as helping owners with injured dogs ( provoking enough interest for subsequent enquiries to be made about the dog 's progress ) ; giving impromptu lessons on road safety to young children who have narrowly avoided accidents ; and dealing with arguments between neighbours ( usually over noise ) and family disputes .
11 The final stage is to communicate the findings of the audit to the procedure owner , to allow decisions to be made about the action to be taken .
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