Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For their part the Brazilians want to play British oppositon to remind themselves of what it feels like to be searching for the ball in the air for much of the game .
2 He wondered what had happened to handsome Georgie , the boy he was supposed to be meeting at the pub on the night of the murder .
3 Whom did you say you were supposed to be meeting at the airport ?
4 A schoolteacher from Eastern Europe , believed to be touring in the area .
5 In this case it was a jury of 12 which , by its verdict , appeared to be commenting on the legitimacy of governmental action in attempting to mislead the Foreign Affairs Select Committee about the circumstances surrounding the sinking of the General Belgrano , an Argentinian warship , during the Falklands Campaign in 1982 .
6 He has among his own ranks the formidable figure of Michael Hesletine , understood to be lobbing for the head of a super ministry of Environment and Industry , in a slimmed down Cabinet .
7 ‘ I 'm supposed to be writing about the horses , ’ she pointed out firmly .
8 , The NRC ordered the indefinite shutdown of the Sequoyah Fuels plant in Gore , Oklahoma , after uranium was found to be leaking into the ground .
9 A team of burglars is thought to be operating in the Chester Road area of Hartlepool .
10 Investors do not always sell their shares for exogenous reasons irrespective of whether or not they perceive insiders to be operating in the market .
11 Mayor David Dinkins expressed his sadness over the incident and promised more resources to tackle the hundreds of unlicensed clubs thought to be operating in the city , many of which were violating safety regulations .
12 On Aug. 20 France declared that it would contribute 10 Mirage 2000 jets ; more than 200 US aircraft were believed already to be operating in the area .
13 But nobody then dared question the magical properties of the first five years when Oedipal fantasies were supposed to be raging in the unconscious .
14 His desire to be gone had been so strong — the desire for movement — that he 'd seemed to be leaning into the wind .
15 It was alleged that at first the railway company denied that they had been travelling on the train at all , and it was indeed suggested that the two children were chance victims of the holocaust and they happened to be wandering by the railway at the time .
16 How did the boy come to be wandering around the surgery ?
17 In front of her most of the herd seemed to be grazing alongside the path , on either side of it , but Brenda could n't leave the path on her bike .
18 He seemed to be pointing into the middle of The Idlers , and Wycliffe watched with uneasy fascination as he brought the launch between two of the rocks .
19 Now remember that a helicopter , unlike a conventional aircraft , does not necessarily have to be pointing in the direction that it is moving and that the pilot must tell the tail where to go at all times .
20 Lamb — who had the satisfaction to be batting at the end — responded , allegedly , by throwing the legal papers in the bin !
21 Finch , however , denounced the 1300 perambulation as ‘ false and erroneous ’ , and coerced the Grand Jury and Forest officers into returning a verdict ‘ that the Meetes and Boundes of the Forrest of Deane ought to be according to the Perambulations made ’ in 1228 and 1282 .
22 It was an eerie feeling to be stealing through the forest like this .
23 Each vertical square can represent one , two , four , six or eight rows of actual knitting , depending on the knitting technique you are going to be using with the design .
24 It does n't take too much imagination to guess that this means ‘ draw a circle centred at x = 10.5 , y = 24.75 , and of radius 3.9 , in whatever units we happen to be using at the moment ’ .
25 It enables both countries to augment their own dominant positions within the Community while pretending to be acting for the sake of ‘ Europe ’ .
26 The king believed that although Lancaster and his followers claimed to be acting in the king 's name they would in fact create disorder and in any case ‘ it was not their duty to act as judge and do justice ’ .
27 However , it will presumably be rare that a business can be held not to be acting in the course of business if it sells goods on its standard terms .
28 ‘ Love Me Do ’ seemed to be reverberating off the walls .
29 Here she would receive such visitors as happened to be staying in the house , and subsequently reverential visitors , who appealed to her for aid or sympathy .
30 It 's for all these reasons that Madonna has been accused of setting back the women 's movement 30 years , but she 's never claimed to be speaking for the cause .
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