Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By a further letter , also sent from Riyadh , dated 14 January 1992 , Mr. Qalib reconfirmed his earlier instructions on behalf of ‘ my Government ’ and gave his written consent , pursuant to R.S.C. , Ord. 15 , r. 6(4) , for ‘ the Interim Government of the Republic of Somalia ’ to be joined as the plaintiff in these proceedings .
2 ‘ Where an unconstitutional change of regime takes place in a recognised state , governments of other states must necessarily consider what dealings , if any , they should have with the new regime , and whether and to what extent it qualifies to be treated as the government of the state concerned .
3 Accordingly , if the interim government is to be treated as the Government of Somalia , it must be able to show that it is exercising administrative control over the territory of the Republic .
4 If the intermediary 's client is to be treated as the firm 's customer and a two-way customer agreement is required for him , it can be entered into with the intermediary ( if there is more than one indirect customer ) , and can cover all the clients for whom he acts .
5 By agreement between the foster mother and the local authority the hearing of the substantive application for judicial review commenced on 11 December 1991 was to be treated as the hearing of the applications under section 10(9) of the Act of 1989 , and the foster mother agreed to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review if leave were granted .
6 When the Thrale children played games he participated — racing them barefoot , or pleased to be cast as the elephant in their zoo of animals .
7 4 If any of the member(s) ( " the Defaulting Member(s) " ) fails to comply with the terms of a Compulsory Sale Notice given to him , the Company shall be constituted the agent of each Defaulting Member for the sale of his shares in accordance with the Compulsory Sale Notice ( together with all rights then attached thereto ) and the Directors may authorise some person to execute and deliver on behalf of each Defaulting Member the necessary transfer(s) and the Company may receive the purchase money in trust for each of the Defaulting Members and cause the Proposed Purchaser to be registered as the holder of such shares .
8 If taking were to be kept as the basis of the offence , it would be necessary to create a separate offence of dishonest retention or disposal in order to deal with these cases .
9 The war can not even realise Washington 's ambition to be recognised as the world 's only superpower and global policeman .
10 For the materialist Richards meaning was to be explained as the use of words either to point to things or to evoke feelings — in terms of behaviour , in the last analysis .
11 Either because its causal impact is outweighed by structural considerations ( a possibility that will be discussed in Chapter vi ) , or because it is itself to be explained as the effect of social wholes and their properties .
12 And in his discussion of the parts played by people of exceptional talent he simply asserts that these individual capacities are to be explained as the result of social circumstances .
13 This is because the behaviour which is to be explained as the result of an instinct being present in an organism is , itself , the main evidence for the existence of the instinct in the first place .
14 These amount , as we saw , to the belief that many social phenomena are to be explained as the outcome of actions performed by individuals or groups , and the view that groups can only do things if individuals do .
15 Unless , that is , he wants to be branded as the man who brought double-digit inflation back to Britain .
16 The best possible solution , as far as Loretta was concerned , would be for a total stranger to be revealed as the murderer .
17 If Amaranth was not going to be accepted as the candidate , and if she refused to co-operate with him over the new motorway , and if she rejected his amorous advances , what was the point of pursuing her ?
18 If , since union , sovereignty has been successfully asserted in practice by the United Kingdom Parliament , and if that assertion has come to be accepted as the basis of the existing constitutional edifice , that is what must , at all events pending the next shift , govern .
19 On the contrary , it will inevitably have to be written as the history of a world which can no longer be contained within the limits of ‘ nations ’ and ‘ nation-states ’ as these used to be defined , either politically , or economically , or culturally , or even linguistically .
20 He interprets this in terms of the story of the Fall saying that by " inward biholdyng " man can see in his nature : and fastens on the dynamic nature of the longing to recover what appears to be lost as the material to be worked with .
21 When the nucleation density is high , the spherical symmetry tends to be lost as the spherulite edges impinge on their neighbours to form a mass such as shown in figure 11.7 .
22 Erm and I will bring it to you finally when it 's in a form to be adopted as the procedure which this board will use erm either , you know , or delegate er the chief executive to use in the case of any appointments .
23 This work enabled the turf-faced clay rampart located at Ivel House to be reinterpreted as the north side of a fort , while further excavations identified its probable southern and western sides , suggesting a vexillation fortress of c. 7 ha ( 17.3 acres ) .
24 He relies upon the well known concept that a professional man such as an accountant , self-employed and running his own business , is not to be regarded as the servant or employee of the man who makes use of his services .
25 When he retired he had come to be regarded as the founder of modern veterinary research .
26 Reginald Bray , who was associated with the settlement movement in Camberwell , even seemed to doubt whether the youths needed to sleep , describing in 1904 how they would stay out on the streets ‘ until it is dark , and often in summer until dawn begins to break … the street and not the house ought probably to be regarded as the home ’ .
27 The usually veiled criticism contained in the report material , and the open comment coming to light in denunciations and court prosecutions , have necessarily to be regarded as the tip of the iceberg .
28 For God intended his word for ordinary people ; it is not to be regarded as the preserve of scholars ; the central truths of salvation are plain for all to see ; Scripture is ‘ useful for teaching the truth , rebuking error , correcting faults , and giving instruction for right living ’ ( 2 Tim .
29 Although he was not the very first , he has come to be regarded as the pioneer , bush-whacking anthropologist , the originator of the doctrine that until you have lived cheek by jowl with an exotic tribe and spoken their language fluently you can not claim full professional status .
30 The mass of the PFM is unknown and therefore the abundances are not to be regarded as the number of atoms per kilogramme of PFM , 20 Ne being arbitrarily placed at 10 22 atoms per kilogramme to facilitate comparison with the graphs for the planets .
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