Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] at [art] end " in BNC.

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1 The legislation will be used to back up the federal government 's high court case , due to be heard at the end of May , which is seeking a permanent injunction against the power project .
2 We know , however , that preliminary rumbles of the Hercynian orogeny were already beginning to be heard at the end of Dinantian times .
3 That case is not affected by today 's decision and is expected to be heard at the end of May .
4 donated some trophies to be presented at the end of the club 's first official fishing season .
5 A ludicrous consequence of the inverted word-order is that the syntactic pattern noun + preposition ( " shades among " ) might seem to be repeated at the end of the following line ( " judgment o'er " ) , so that instead of understanding a participial construction , " the stern assize and equal judgment being over " ( Housman 's equivalent for the future perfect ) , a guileless reader might construe " When once you descend among the shades , over the stern assize and equal judgment " .
6 In general , then , children are to be assessed at the end of each of the key stages ( i.e. at 7,11 , 14 and 16 ) ; at the first stage , the assessment will be in the three core subjects , but at subsequent stages , it will be in all the foundation subjects .
7 The inquiry , due to be completed at the end of next month , has resulted in serious tension between the police and the Ulster Defence Regiment .
8 The project is due to be completed at the end of 1993 .
9 Certainly that is the suggestion now that the incinerator is to be replaced at the end of November .
10 Payment of VAT has to be made at the end of each quarter ; that is 31 March , 30 June , 30 September and 31 December .
11 However , residents at a hotel may be sold liquor during their residence , payment to be made at the end of their stay .
12 The party newspaper Nhan Dan reports that at least two-thirds of the next 124-strong Central Committee , to be elected at the end of the congress , will be under 60 .
13 A new Commission is due to be elected at the end of the year , and it is possible that Van Miert may only hold his post until then .
14 Sir : Following the report on the ‘ regal ’ gates to be erected at the end of Downing street ( 'Psychiatrists explore hidden meaning of Thatchergate plan' , 4 October ) , your readers may be interested in a recent instance when Mrs Thatcher was equated with the Queen .
15 Any erm deficiency at the end of the financial year was made up by a rate demand , erm so i the it was n't the same in all municipal undertakings , some of them were allowed to carry forward their balances but Ipswich , whether it was erm , er by law or er a , oh I do n't know what it be , perhaps needed that they got to be , the erm balance of the year had to be balanced at the end of the year , so you had a rate demand and of course that rate demand went on to the next year 's rates .
16 The Chairman of the Board was due to be appointed at the end of last month , and is expected ( according to the old ‘ rules ’ ) to be the Christian Democrat Gian Luigi Rondi ( who admitted to not even knowing who Francis Bacon was ) , the last one having been a Socialist , the architect Paolo Portoghesi .
17 By Ottoman reckoning Molla Fenari would have been twenty in Safar 770 , and it is perhaps possible to suppose that he could have returned from Egypt in time to be appointed at the end of the year .
18 The first warrants awarded on this basis were to be announced at the end of 1992 .
19 The trie structure does allow such information to be stored at the end of word nodes .
20 State the behavioural objectives to be reached at the end of the programme , i.e. what the learner is expected to be able to do .
21 Miss Tylee 's courtesy was unfailing — she was a neatly dressed lady who wore a velvet neckband and her ‘ pince-nez ’ or pinchers as we called them were attached to a thin gold necklet , ready to be placed at the end of her nose when she was searching for something required by her customers .
22 and fifty pounds of that was loaned which had to be repaid at the end of the course in sixteen equal quarterly instalments .
23 and , but of course , they were loans and had to be repaid at the end of the course .
24 Royalty was to be one-twelfth and this to be paid at the end of every half-year : the said ore to be weighed up every three months and the banks to be cleared at the end of every such three months after weighing up .
25 Conditions may also be imposed to require the caravans to be removed at the end of each season or to require a number of pitches on a site to be reserved for touring caravans .
26 It also has substantial material advantages — the ability to raise loans is greater , the opportunity for setting off and writing off business expenses are more generous and , because tax to be paid at the end of any one financial year is assessed in relation to the previous year 's results , organisations with a growing turnover have a lower effective tax rate than they would if tax were assessed on current activities .
27 Royalty was to be one-twelfth and this to be paid at the end of every half-year : the said ore to be weighed up every three months and the banks to be cleared at the end of every such three months after weighing up .
28 This will be done by giving for each subject a brief clinical case description , based on the application of a standard diagnostic schedule , to be described at the end of the chapter .
29 The first of the services is due to be broadcast at the end of January .
30 Grove also said that Pentium was on schedule to be introduced at the end of March and that it will be ‘ aggressively ’ priced .
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