Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 All you really know about general , about the general election is that it 's got ta be held before the end of parliament 's statutory life of five years .
2 Move the cursor onto the very first letter of the paragraph which is to be joined to the end of the paragraph above it .
3 Announcing that Scottish companies and local authorities had raised more than £230,000 , George Hunter , the Games Council secretary , said that this would allow the time limit for achieving qualifying standards to be extended to the end of December .
4 Complaints that British ships by comparison with those of France were too small , sailed badly and were encumbered by too many guns , continued to be heard to the end of the century and afterwards ; while French prizes were frequently used as models for the design of new British men-of-war .
5 The legislation will be used to back up the federal government 's high court case , due to be heard at the end of May , which is seeking a permanent injunction against the power project .
6 We know , however , that preliminary rumbles of the Hercynian orogeny were already beginning to be heard at the end of Dinantian times .
7 That case is not affected by today 's decision and is expected to be heard at the end of May .
8 donated some trophies to be presented at the end of the club 's first official fishing season .
9 The US Senate on Sept. 9 voted by 63 to 34 to continue with the development of the Freedom space station , expected to be constructed by the end of the century at a currently predicted cost of US$40,000 million .
10 A ludicrous consequence of the inverted word-order is that the syntactic pattern noun + preposition ( " shades among " ) might seem to be repeated at the end of the following line ( " judgment o'er " ) , so that instead of understanding a participial construction , " the stern assize and equal judgment being over " ( Housman 's equivalent for the future perfect ) , a guileless reader might construe " When once you descend among the shades , over the stern assize and equal judgment " .
11 How , what sort of area 's going to be covered in the end ?
12 All must accept that if a deal is to be struck by the end of this year , negotiation will have to begin in earnest much earlier , preferably during the next two months .
13 In general , then , children are to be assessed at the end of each of the key stages ( i.e. at 7,11 , 14 and 16 ) ; at the first stage , the assessment will be in the three core subjects , but at subsequent stages , it will be in all the foundation subjects .
14 Homes at Stanley , Chester-le-Street , Durham , Station Town , Newton Aycliffe and Darlington are also due to be lost by the end of the year saving the council £2.5m .
15 Its report to NASA and the White House on the future of the US space programme put life sciences at the top of the list of experiments for the US space station to be built by the end of the century .
16 The inquiry , due to be completed at the end of next month , has resulted in serious tension between the police and the Ulster Defence Regiment .
17 The project is due to be completed at the end of 1993 .
18 A required course for all students , to be completed before the end of the third year , and to be examined by individual Colleges .
19 This is a genuine project and one that I would like to be completed before the end of the summer .
20 He remembers that work on the new school building had to be completed by the end of August since the hop kilns were needed in September .
21 The sale is expected to be completed by the end of March .
22 A second shake-up , an unusually extensive rotation of regional commanders and troops from all seven of China 's military regions , was due to be completed by the end of April .
23 The work is currently in a review process , expected to be completed by the end of the year .
24 A strict timetable was to be adhered to whereby reorganization was to be completed by the end of 1974 .
25 The restoration of the interior stonework is expected to be completed by the end of next year .
26 The Newtownards based project , to be completed by the end of this year , will include an audio visual theatre , a reconstruction of Great War trenches and two exhibition halls .
27 However the timescale for contributing to planning and design features has been shortened drastically , and in fact most of that detailed work has to be completed by the end of this month .
28 The process had to be completed by the end of May so that our agents could ensure that cancellations took effect from the earliest possible date .
29 Software integrity has been addressed by the phased installation of anti-virus software on all PCs , scheduled to be completed by the end of 1992 .
30 The first phase of the project , to supply Benghazi , was due to be completed by the end of 1991 .
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