Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Got ta be four to go to school .
2 We continue to be pleased to hear by word of mouth that Medau News is ‘ interesting ’ , ‘ well-presented ’ and ‘ a good idea ’ … this is , of course , very gratifying but still we can not inveigle you into putting pen to paper and writing to us .
3 I am not , then , when I claim that the existence of God does not need to be proved , denying that we must show it to be reasonable to believe in God .
4 Most items can be sent in sealed envelopes or packages , but if you are using the Printed Papers service please remember that the packaging needs to be easy to open for Customs examination and to be able to be repacked without additional packaging — the best solution is to use string or plastic tags .
5 Whereas these may appear to be easy to recognize in theory , in practice it can be difficult to determine whether a sediment is grain supported or matrix supported in a hand specimen , but particularly when seen in two dimensions within a thin section ( e.g. Fig. 5.2d ) .
6 I would have expected Esquire to be a little more imaginative than to jump on the anti-Essex bandwagon and to realize that you do n't have to be brainless to live in Braintree .
7 Maria Iñes was dumpy and talkative ; Maria Teresa was dark and very like João , though not quite so good looking , and Maria de Graça was taller , plainer , and so intent upon winning herself a place in Heaven that she had little conversation for anyone apart from Padre Jorge , an oily man with plump little hands and a great anxiety to be first to agree with Dom João in everything he said .
8 Tandem may not be the first commercial box-shifter out with a Chorus-based system , though it may yet find itself in a race to be first to deliver in volume .
9 Intel Corp 's Scientific Computer Division is expected to be first to market in December , with an installation at Oak Ridge National Laboratories in Tennessee .
10 It has to be possible to see within reality the presence of that which transcends it — what the Christian theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer called ‘ the beyond in our midst ’ .
11 It still appears to be possible to test for market efficiency , for equation ( 3.31 ) predicts that the coefficient of f t will be 1 .
12 It was not going to be possible to keep from Olga the information that her son had suddenly become quite a well-to-do youngster , though he had warned Hank on no account to tell her how much he had made out of his book .
13 In designing artificial defences the structures are made sufficiently strong to resist this type of wave , so that one might , therefore , expect closely jointed rocks to be susceptible to damage by clapotis as such rocks are the nearest approach to natural walls .
14 If we appear to be unable to do without families , then they must be beneficial for us .
15 So compared with the commercial clout of the continental magnums , they 'll just have to be satisfied to remain as miniatures .
16 And those bits again , either tuck them in out of the way or better still fold them over and put a big plaster over the top to get them right out the way so no ends are left dangling , remember for most people you 're doing this for they 'll probably be returning to their place of work , okay , so they need to be safe to return to work , everybody okay on that lot ?
17 The act of shipping the barley in Maynegrain was assumed to be sufficient to amount to conversion , but the position is different where the defendant innocently interferes with P 's goods whether upon his own initiative or upon the instructions of another , when the defendant 's act amounts to nothing more than transport or custody of the goods .
18 It was a Thursday and Collins had to sign by five o'clock to be eligible to play on Saturday .
19 Those who are alleged to be unfit to practise by virtue of illness can be referred by the Investigating Committee , Professional Conduct Committee or any concerned citizen to a separate UKCC Health Committee , so that their cases may be considered with medical reports and advice available .
20 You still need to be prepared to cope with crises arising in the years to come .
21 The killings were reported to be part of a private hospital war in Marseilles in which surgeons and speculators appeared to be prepared to kill in order to gain control of private clinics .
22 Moreover the Labour Party would also have to be prepared to co-operate with Liberals and dissident Conservatives in the formation of a new Government .
23 It is very thorough but requires the user to be prepared to look in depth at each technical area of painting .
24 Sir Derek Alun-Jones , chairman of Ferranti , and some other directors of the troubled group are said to be ready to resign in February once a share issue to raise £187 million in finance for the group is agreed by shareholders ..
25 What he did not repeat was a signal from Gen Keightley in Austria , sent on 10 May [ KP 59 ] , in which Keightley had specifically requested permission " to be able to shoot at Yugoslavs who categorically disobey orders from British commanders . "
26 I thought that we were going to be able to love without fear .
27 To be able to sue in negligence , three essential ingredients must be present ; they are : a duty of care owed to the injured party ; a breach of that duty of care ; consequential loss , that is , loss which is a direct and natural result of the breach of duty of care .
28 Were the local authority to be able to sue in libel in respect of the same matters complained of by an individual councillor this would create duplication of proceedings and increased costs ( post , pp. 56E , 65A ) .
29 Jacques 's Master follows Kristeva in her argument that , just as the subject is eclipsed or subverted in the process of its creation , so the author must pass through the same ‘ zero ’ in order for the reader to be able to participate as receptor in the economy of communication established by the novel :
30 From May 6 restrictions on the amount of money Greek travellers to EC countries might take with them were relaxed , as part of a Bank of Greece package of liberalization measures to meet EC guidelines ; Greeks were also to be able to participate as individuals on EC member countries ' stock markets .
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