Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And tomorrow night we 'll be hearing reactions to the possibility of VAT being added to books and newspapers , another area thought likely to be targetted by the Chancellor .
2 ‘ I expect you to be gone by the time I get back . ’
3 A licensing board has to hold quarterly meetings in January , March , June and October each year , the precise date to be fixed by the board at least eight weeks before the meeting .
4 Lawyers will not be able to take an American-style slice of the damages if successful , but they will be able to ask for an extra percentage on top of their normal costs , with a maximum to be fixed by the Lord Chancellor .
5 9 – ( 1 ) Where there is an agreement to sell goods on the terms that the price is to be fixed by the valuation of a third party , and he can not or does not make the valuation , the agreement is avoided ; but if the goods or any part of them have been delivered to and appropriated by the buyer he must pay a reasonable price for them .
6 Just go and allow yourself to be taught by the site .
7 This basically is how oracy grows : it is to be taught by the creation of many and varied circumstances to which both speech and listening are the natural responses . ’
8 Only we can know how it really feels not to be liked , not to be wanted by the rest of the rugby world . ’
9 He did so successfully in 1948 , outpointing Vince Hawkins at Birmingham and thus becoming the first black champion to be recognized by the BBBC .
10 She was later mated to Arras v Gerbermuhle , to produce the first litter to be recognized by the AKC .
11 A puzzle that immediately arises is how this complex reflexive communicative intention is meant to be recognized by the recipient .
12 The early Machines , revived , rediscovered and about to be displayed by the book section of the Victoria and Albert Museum , are simple .
13 They depict a stereotyped norm where father makes all the decisions , goes out to work and waits for his meals to be prepared by the wife with occasional assistance of the daughter .
14 Under Ord 50 , r 4A where under the rules a document is to be prepared by the court , that document may , if the proper officer so allows , be prepared by the plaintiff ( or applicant ) and , where a document is so produced the plaintiff is not required also to file a request but must provide a sufficient number of copies of the document for the court 's use .
15 If the land is unregistered , then the contract will have to be prepared by the seller 's conveyancer in order to reflect this fact .
16 In addition , every six months they will be asked to complete a standard form , to be prepared by the Commission , containing an analysis of the prices recommended to dealers in various member states for one standard model in each range of production .
17 now my Lord , your Lordship would of seen from the case and now from the continental television case , both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal , that where a reference is to be made the court that is marking the reference , if , what is sort to be done is either to challenge a British statute or in the case of er , er the red hot Dutch case , of course with the statute , er something which er it involves a ministerial decision , but in either of those instances the court has got to decide in the interim whether or not the statute or measure should remain in force and there is the priority of public policy as indicated in er Lord er speech referred to both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal in continental television in er maintaining the law in force and a , a bonus has to be faced by the person seeking discipline from the law to show us a sufficiently strong case to justify the er , er , the suspension of the law in the interim .
18 Now my Lord , your Lordship would of seen from , in fact the same case , and now from the continental television case , both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal , that where a reference is to be made the court that is making the reference , it what is sort to be done is either to challenge a British statute or in the case of er , er the red hot Dutch case , in fact the terms were caused in the statute er something which in involves a ministerial decision , but in either of those instances the court has got to decide in the interim whether or not the statute or measure should remain in force and there is the priority of public policy as indicated in er Lord er speech referred to both in the divisional court and in the court of appeal in continental television in maintaining the law in force and a , a bonus has to be faced by the person seeking discipline the law to show us the simply strong case to justify the er , er the suspension of the law in the interim .
19 A Symes in High Street Ward , for example , pointed to the ‘ vast problems to be faced by the Borough — houses for the working classes , road improvements , removal of slums , tram system improved ’ , but then went to the heart of the matter :
20 Thus it is that the Tamar , beautiful as the nymph whose name she bears , winds her way from the rugged north coast between the hills , to be joined by the Tavy , flowing from Dartmoor to join her for the last few miles to the sea , while the luckless Torridge flows ever northward in vain pursuit of Tamara 's beauty .
21 He probably studied at Oxford , though the evidence is indirect : his executors endowed 200 marks to establish a loan-chest for the masters and scholars and , no doubt because he was a benefactor , his death anniversary was to be observed by the university .
22 ( 2 ) If the transfer contains covenants to be observed by the buyer , he or she must execute the document in order to be bound , and seen to be bound , by its terms .
23 No doubt the evocation of a specific and well-known moment of the twentieth — century past corresponds to the needs , not only of the author — whose reactionary views are amply documented in his frequent interviews — but also to a public that does not necessarily share those views , but appears to be fascinated by the spectacle of a culture in decline or at its end .
24 THE BRITISH are said to be fascinated by the weather and talk of little else when the talk is small .
25 James studied the title page and for twenty seconds pretended to be fascinated by the contents of page one .
26 After tonight , the next stage of Rangers ' journey is the visit to Marseille on 7 April , which dispenses with any margin for error against a Brugge side Smith expects to be fortified by the return of the Hungarian sweeper , Laszlo Disztl , and Stephane van der Heyden , the young midfield player who has recently broken into Belgium 's national side .
27 Edwards ’ P–59 was the last one to be flown by the Air Force , remaining in the inventory until October 1948 .
28 ‘ Of a four-handed cast , ’ wrote Bernard Levin in the Daily Mail , ‘ Mr Michael Crawford , as the brother who can not bear his sister to be touched by the world , makes a great deal out of what I suspect is not very much , conveying well his uncomprehending self-disgust . ’
29 The flowers bloomed happily in the soft sunshine , complemented by the gently swaying leaves of the trees , which were just beginning to be touched by the colours of autumn .
30 Concept keyboards allow areas of an overlay , which could for example be a historical map or a picture , to be touched by the pupil , calling up associated sub-screens of data or questions about the feature in question .
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