Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] at an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Public law cases may be transferred up , down and across the court system where this will avoid delay , facilitate consolidation or allow the case to be heard at an appropriate level .
2 Most Third World states would prefer these to be formulated at an international conference with the blessing of the United Nations .
3 Penelope walked slowly away from the house , then pretended to be locking at an empty house which was to be sold two doors away from where Rupert lived .
4 Oral explanations and discussion may convey a meaning and a depth lacking in written explanation which may tend to be accepted at an uncritical and somewhat superficial level .
5 Vologsky had constantly reassured himself that the repeated refusals were simply because his applications happened to be made at an inopportune moment .
6 She was forty-six : her face was unlined , her hair still golden without grey in it , her body trim , very trim , yet he seemed to be looking at an old woman .
7 Wicker waste paper baskets and bathroom sponges are guaranteed to be disintegrated at an alarming rate if left in the open .
8 The decision to dynamite the rock , using five tons of explosives , was taken last week after it was found to be moving at an accelerated rate .
9 These fundamental initial considerations or ‘ building blocks ’ ( developed by Roy Nicholson ) are applicable to all valuation engagements and enable a skeleton of the valuation to be developed at an early stage :
10 In theoretical work , the turbulence is supposed to be generated at an initial instant and then to decay as time proceeds .
11 It is possible for indirect taxes to be levied at an even rate across all goods and services ; a sales tax with a single rate of , say , 5 per cent , or value added tax , are examples .
12 A FINAL blueprint of reforms and plans to determine the future of world motor sport is expected to be unveiled at an unprecedented meeting in Paris today .
13 After this ‘ completion period ’ ( of four years from the granting of outline planning permission or three years in the case of full planning permission ) , the charge was to be imposed at an annual rate of 30 per cent of the capital value of the land .
14 Then again , the pen had to be held at an exact angle and Miss Smith had her own very efficient method of quickly teaching this .
15 Perishable goods would perish or would have to be warehoused at an additional cost .
16 And so Beth allowed herself to be taken at an awkward pace along the wharf and on to where David and Cissie were saying their final farewells .
17 They can give early warning of stability problems and enable the corrective action to be taken at an early stage and thus save time and development resource .
18 In the event that the defender contends that the case is not appropriate for the Optional Procedure , argument to that effect can be made , but insofar as the Diet Roll will be heard approximately eight weeks after service of the Summons , a decision as to how to proceed will require to be taken at an early stage .
19 In rich societies , on the other hand , most people do have enough discretionary income left ( or have easy access to credit ) after they have paid for their food and shelter , though the numbers who do not appear to be growing at an alarming rate in some rich countries ( as the growth of homelessness in the United States and the United Kingdom seems to suggest ) .
20 The establishment of such a correlation is not as easy as it might seem at first , because lead is only one ( and probably not one of the more important ) influences on the behaviour and intelligence of children , so that the correlation would at best be low , and hence require a large number of cases to be established at an acceptable level of statistical significance .
21 These findings raise the possibility that the results with deep dyslexics , which appear to show a facilitating effect of highly imageable words on reading performance , might just as plausibly be attributed to the fact that such words tend to be learned at an early age in life .
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