Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The four-party Swedish coalition is likely to be split on the issue , with Environment Minister and Centre Party leader Olof Johansson under strong pressure to drop the project .
2 In the event of the Publisher receiving from other parties payments for exploitation of the Work in any other form or manner then the Publisher shall pay the Author a portion to be based on the Publisher 's net receipts from such other parties .
3 Such a theory would have to be based on the equations of fluid motion instead of those of the dynamics of molecules interacting only through elastic collisions .
4 Criteria for eligibility in criminal cases remains unchanged and will continue to be based on the test of undue hardship .
5 ORKNEY Harbours Authority is calling for a helicopter to be based on the islands for rescue work and pollution control , following the Braer oil tanker disaster in Shetland .
6 But a Royal Bank spokesman said : ‘ We would only expect tenders to be based on the cost per hour , not the total cost .
7 While the ‘ manufacturing critique ’ of DCF presented by Hill ( 1985 ) may be resisted as argued above , he is nevertheless correct in his fundamental message that assessment ( of the cash flows ) needs to be based on the degree to which order-winning criteria are enhanced .
8 With little in the way of landmarks , accurate navigation had to be based on the position of farm buildings , roads and the occasional flash flood riverbed .
9 An explanation for this may lie in the way that children are treated in these two cultures : Western conditioning tends to be based on the idea of guilt .
10 The concept of structure also has its risks and its dangers , even though it appears to be based on the idea of relations as opposed to entities or determining origins ( as we saw above in the discussion of the Prague School ) .
11 The conditions for sustained growth outlined in the autumn statement appear to be based on the idea of a revival in consumer spending rather than an investment-led recovery .
12 Consequently in 1835 the Geological Survey of Great Britain was established by the government for the purpose of producing geological maps of the country to be based on the Ordnance Survey maps as they became available .
13 FRS 3 , Reporting Financial Performance , the first FRS to be based on the ASB 's own proposals rather than those ‘ inherited ’ from the Accounting Standards Committee , is based on FRED 1 and the comments received on the exposure draft .
14 This is unfair criticism — Gooch produces a mass of indicative , albeit necessarily speculative , evidence in favour of his hypothesis — but nevertheless it is true that our knowledge of the past is and has to be based on the artefacts surviving from that past : lacking the artefacts , all we can do is make an educated deduction .
15 Hurd 's new security system is to be based on the GCC , which will provide financial support under Saudi leadership , with Egyptian or Syrian military muscle .
16 The point here , I think , is that if the latter is to be an ability , and not just a performance repertoire , then it has to be based on the internalization of systemic knowledge as a communicative resource .
17 ‘ I am extremely concerned this is to be based on the Government 's own estimate of how much each council should spend the Standard Spending Assessment .
18 As Gerald Thomas told me : ‘ Our success appeared to be based on the demise of the British music hall , the slightly lavatorial humour that appealed to father and son alike — and to the fact that people knew what they were getting , like Heinz baked beans or Lux toilet soap . ’
19 Namibia 's armed forces were to be based on the integration of locally recruited units with former SWAPO guerrillas .
20 It purports to be based on the recollections of courtiers and retainers hunted up after the fall : but I have heard it suggested that the author did not take to the Picador edition 's cover display of a picture of Haile Selassie , perhaps on the grounds of a misleading particularity .
21 For them the extent of the new prosperity may be doubted , although their relationships with their masters had come to be based on the basis of cash rather than service .
22 Under clause 54(4) the taxable benefit is to be based on the arm 's length price of the benefit received .
23 But our attitude towards them has to be based on the understanding that they want to transform us into a different party — a party which could never win , and might well not deserve to win , against a Conservative government which itself embraces the social market .
24 The power output ( wattage ) of new microwaves will continue to be based on the IEC ( International Electrotechnical Commission ) 705 system , adopted as industry standard since August 1990 .
25 Bernard was on a round the world trip and he had a system worked out for the South American leg that seemed to be based on the storming of Himalayan peaks .
26 Most of the figures that have been given for the projected growth of the presentation graphics market in this country , and Europe as a whole , seem to be based on the assumption that there will be a significant change towards the use of 35mm slides .
27 At the Haymarket he directed Alec Guinness as John Mortimer 's blind father in A Voyage Round My Father ; at the Royal Court his version of Charles Wood 's Veterans starred John Gielgud and John Mills as two film actors on location ( the play was said to be based on the filming of Tony Richardson 's Charge of the Light Brigade ) ; and at the New Theatre , Donald Sinden scored a brilliant success as an urban fop pursuing a country heiress in Eyre 's revival of Dion Boucicault 's London Assurance .
28 Hurd 's preferred option appears to be based on the Gulf Co-operation Council ( GCC ) — the organisation created in 1981 in order to provide the Gulf with a collective security system designed to obviate the necessity for Iraqi , Iranian or even Western participation and involving Kuwait , Bahrain , Qatar , the UAE , Oman and Saudi Arabia — but this time under explicit Saudi leadership .
29 In the absence of any other plausible plan , that peace will have to be based on the Vance-Owen deal .
30 If the tax is intended to discourage landfill , ought it to be based on the volume of a product ?
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