Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [verb] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is too easy to slip into a mood of depression at the outset of what promises to be a period of very significant change in education but , in relation to the concerns identified earlier , it would have to be said that the omens are not propitious .
2 It has to be said that the existence of self-help books , such as this one , is regarded as part of the problem by some doctors .
3 It has to be said that the countries in this bit of the world , which were previously part of the Soviet Union , do not look a promising market .
4 It has to be said that the Court of Appeal 's judgment is weak .
5 At the same time the kairos approach apparently allows it to be said that the past has not been at fault ; it is simply that God moves with humanity into a new age .
6 It has to be said that the user interface to DW1.2 is of the first order .
7 The term remote sensing is fairly self-explanatory , but it needs to be said that the word ‘ remote ’ is used advisedly , for it is usually observation from aircraft or even satellites that is in question .
8 It used to be said that the gypsies stole little children .
9 This reassurance is welcome , but it has to be said that the change gives less prominence to this requirement , and we shall need to watch with care that it is properly covered in the assessment arrangements .
10 It has to be said that the plays are somewhat thin in material , and the characterisation weak , but they were both offended by the offhand refusal and the Corporation 's unwillingness to offer even the slightest guidance for the betterment of the projects .
11 It also has to be said that the number of residencies and placements have been severely curtailed recently by the cost-saving measures of many authorities and organisations .
12 In the final analysis it has to be said that the Macintosh is a better system for desktop publishing than the PC on both technical and user grounds .
13 So far as the variability in the attainment of learners is concerned , it has to be said that the situation is not unique : strategies of other disciplines of teaching can be successfully adopted .
14 In fact the revised economic development strategy which Professor Lock probably does n't have a copy of , refers to inward inward investment as being desirable erm and is of critical importance but whilst it will be vigorously sort in this way it has to be said that the bulk of North Yorkshire suffers from a relative lack of financial incentives from Central Government in terms of whose regional policy does not have a priority .
15 Now it has to be said that the people of that period could at least understand such notions as ‘ sacrifice ’ , ‘ propitiation ’ and ‘ atonement ’ .
16 It has to be said that the world would be a much better place if we just got on and did things instead of waiting for other people to do them on our behalf .
17 Well it ought to be said that the world today , in this year nineteen ninety two , is a different place from what it was a hundred years ago .
18 It has to be said that the prospects for the house and farm buildings did not seem promising when Gordon Pratt of Hawes Auction Mart opened the bids on 28 October 1988 .
19 Lest it be thought that the matriarchs are supreme in this artless craft of rendering service into an offensive act , it has to be said that the Glasgow cabbie is in a class of his own .
20 It has to be said that the Shah was not totally displeased by this exodus .
21 ‘ He had been nursed superbly and that needs to be said because the nurses have gone through a difficult time for obvious reasons and I would like to assure them , in public , that what they have done was quite superlative . ’
22 He suggests that authenticity can be understood as relating not only to the language selected to be taught but the task on which the learner is engaged and the social setting which is created in the classroom .
23 Having regard to the causes , it has to be recognized that the conditions that lead one plant to canker are also putting others to the same pressure , so look to your overall cultivation methods .
24 First , it failed to take account of the fact that British industry at the time was undergoing traumatic upheavals and that the impact of this upon firms had to be recognized if the need to decentralize in the first place was to be understood .
25 to be displayed and the user can either press RETURN , leaving the default of N ( No ) , or overtype the default with Y ( Yes ) and press RETURN .
26 to be displayed and the user can either press RETURN , leaving the default of N ( No ) , or overtype the default with Y ( Yes ) and press RETURN .
27 The most difficult area is agreeing the basis on which the completion accounts are to be prepared and the form they are to take .
28 These consequences have to be faced because the governments of the West were understandably fearful about the cost of a military intervention .
29 Prof Turner said it was an issue which had to be faced if the system was going to protect children .
30 The awful triumvirate of fear , guilt and anger has to be faced and the tension built up in the body dealt with .
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