Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [noun pl] and [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 When you look at , when you look at the some , all these , a lot of these composers and artists who died long ago and you look the birth range there 's a hell of a lot at seventy five , seventy six
2 There are 200 places open to people of all ages and abilities who can achieve a unique ambition by participating in this unusual event .
3 The video is aimed at riders of all ages and levels who compete , or want to compete , cross country .
4 This week I have with me Meg Braga , a friend , and a lady of many interests and talents who is thoroughly involved in the local community .
5 Instead of using the Orders of Merit , we suggest that , from now on , Ryder Cup teams should be composed of those Americans and Europeans who have the stupidest names . ’
6 However , as an act of self-advocacy it is both a very powerful and an excellent riposte to the ‘ trailing edge ’ of those professionals and parents who still insist that people with learning difficulties say nothing worth hearing .
7 From the late 1970s the debate around the imaging of women 's bodies was furthered , particularly in the UK and New York , by the work of those artists and theoreticians who wished to remove the body of woman from view while instead concentrating upon notions of femininity , replacing the bodies of a women as sites which produced struggle , with womanliness as a named site of struggle .
8 It also follows that the work of those sociolinguists and ethnographers who attempt to discuss language in terms of user 's purposes will also be of interest .
9 Later ages have tended to magnify the importance of those thinkers and poets who disagreed ; there is no reason to think that the young Wordsworth would have taken any notice of them ; he believed with his University that whatever Newton said , was right .
10 I felt like those women and men who openly sold their favours .
11 This pragmatism would later conflict with those intellectuals and students who thought political reform was desirable in its own right .
12 The moves , counter moves , rejections , romances and broken hearts are spun together effortlessly through the music and will strike a chord with any teenagers and ex-teenagers who have fallen in love on a Saturday night .
13 The clash of symbols represented by Dixon and Rambo represents a more fundamental conflict between those policemen and women who emphasize their role in terms of crime-fighting , especially ‘ big crime ’ , and those who see themselves as having a public service and community welfare role .
14 There has been a move towards a preference for flexible middle-range voices such as those mezzo-sopranos and baritones who can sing both quite high and quite low .
15 But for those departments and individuals who received them , they have been vital and they have paid off in ways not expected at the time of the award .
16 We thank you for those who have ministered your word to the church of St Leonard 's during the weeks when we have been meeting in the School for the Deaf ; so we thank you for John , Alan and Emily , for the readers and for those chaplains and ministers who worship with us .
17 For those men and women who live into middle age , pain , disease and poverty are the norm rather than the exception .
18 Furthermore , the typical penalties for those individuals and organisations who are found guilty of corporate crime do little to deter the would-be criminal .
19 None of the arguments , she thought , held up to any serious analysis ; at best they provoked people into thought about housework , at worst they antagonised large numbers of women and hostility in all men and women who worked in the labour movement in any way .
20 In order to reduce the supervisory role of the Bank itself , it intended to recruit marketmakers solely from those firms and institutions who were already members of the International Stock Exchange ( and therefore subject to the regulatory framework of the ISE ) .
21 Knights as well as nobles took prisoners at Poitiers , and the Black Prince granted lands , offices and annuities to many yeomen and bachelors who served him on his campaigns in Gascony between 1355 and 1357 .
22 Then as we commissioned our team for what is at the time of writing known as the King 's Arms church we experienced a pouring out of the gifts of the Spirit on those elders and leaders who were praying for the team : it seemed everyone had a word of instruction , a revelation , a tongue or an interpretation for the strengthening of the church .
23 Letters of thanks are to be sent to those residents and organisations who helped with the national Spring Clean day , when areas of the town were cleared of rubbish .
24 The retreat from professional standards which marked the period of industrial action has given new impetus to those politicians and administrators who seek to define the teacher 's role .
25 The Government has an overriding duty to implement balanced defence policies that not only meet the country 's strategic military interests , but also provide a reasonable quality of life to those men and women who are expected to serve on our behalf .
26 Many thanks to Pamela Vandyke Price for giving us such a memorable glimpse into the highly specialised world of the wine trade — and thanks also to those husbands and sons who allowed themselves to be pressganged into the responsible task of pouring the samples !
27 As you well know our mission statement , Save The Children 's vision , commits us to using our experience gained here and overseas to achieve lasting benefits for children on a far wider scale than would be the case if we just confined our work to those children and families who happen to be involved in the projects we run .
28 We have been approached by many members and friends who wish to contribute towards some form of memorial in thanksgiving for the life and work of our late founder and President Molly Braithwaite who died on 19th January this year .
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