Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [conj] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But I 'm not gon na worry about that until halfway through the week and then I 'll write to them .
2 He was rewarded for this and more with a Bulgarian sentence of death and a British MBE .
3 And would they still get the income support after that but still at a reduced rate or not ?
4 But in fact it is not necessarily the case that if each person votes , or decides , according to what he or she perceives as his or her personal interest or wishes , the outcome is the good of all or even of the majority .
5 That because I 've used those before not for golfing or anything like that but just as a general map of reference or
6 On the question of staff turnover erm on the saving advertising I think that reflects th the drop of staff turnover over the years and there is a budget which is an historical budget against that and clearly in the current situation less staff are leaving like that erm so that 's one of these .
7 fair point , its still er , I mean its a considerable number , I mean you can see why the insurance company 's are doing quite well , but your willing to put up with that as well for the , for the good points of a car , for the freedom that er , that cars give you and the safety someone has said , the individual safety as a woman , yes .
8 Dear Horace , I think I may be a bit late with this as here in the antipodes , and especially being some way down a circulation list , your column takes some weeks to reach me .
9 Now it 's perfectly now the cost er the benefits from sort of marketing right to buy is really very , very dubious erm the government has shown time and again that what it takes then gives with one hand , it takes away with another and the costs are obvious , we are fragmenting our housing stock , we are putting it , we are likely to end up with more and more with a higher proportion of poor properties and erm there 's also the risk that if we do really have to be promoting right to buy we 're going to have people who are probably not sure whether they can afford to buy their house or are n't sure whether they even want to buy their house .
10 Churchill himself was interested not only in this but also in the wider implications of nuclear developments in the 1950s .
11 Other works from this and even from the earlier phase will be discussed in the last section of this chapter , on relief and architectural sculpture , since that is the area in which the formation of the ripe archaic style can most clearly be traced .
12 Children who were presented with a nonsense syllable alongside more and less in a variety of contexts made it contrast with more and less by adding or subtracting much smaller amounts ; by adding or subtracting everything ; by introducing some quite different manipulation ( stirring , flicking , rolling , tossing up and down , mixing both piles together ) , and so on .
13 Crime they say does n't pay , well you may have your own views on that but certainly across the breadth of variety of criminal activity we might agree that crime almost always hurt someone , more or less , we have a system designed to cope with the effects of crime and to deter future criminals , but it does n't seem to be making crime a thing of the past , so how good are we at dealing with crime , tonight 's hundred women have a broad range of experience as victims , law women , perpetrators , police and others , we 'll be hearing their views on the system and how it might be changed and asking why are we all so fascinated by fictional crime from Cell Block H to Agatha Christie .
14 In addition to this and partially as a result of it , there is little in the way of national planning ’ .
15 Cases may be transferred from one family proceedings court to another and also to a county court care centre and ultimately the High Court in certain circumstances .
16 However , while we all have our national stereotypes , and they are invariably supported by research ( see Hofstede ) , the underlying differences from one country to another and also within a country are much more subtle .
17 The Faculty Office or the Schools Liaison Office will be pleased to advise on this and also upon an appropriate choice of sixth year subjects , particularly where students have marginally failed to meet the entry requirements at the first sitting of Highers .
18 The seething had been going on more or less from the time Taylor took over as manager .
19 ‘ I had to take him on more or less from the first .
20 Whether or not he was altogether comfortable in such a role is another matter ; when Lawrence Durrell once suggested to him that he was not a Christian at all but more like a Buddhist or a primitive he replied only with a question , " Perhaps they have n't found me out yet ? "
21 He believes all the right things but for no reasons at all or even for the wrong reasons .
22 For example , an employer who , without any attempt at an individual medical assessment , inaccurately pre-judges epileptic applicants for positions as being unable to perform the job , will have treated those applicants as disabled , even though in fact their impairments might not limit their major life activities at all or only to the extent that others react adversely to them .
23 The timetable will need to be agreed with court officials and will be affected by this and also by the fact that petitions are usually only heard on Mondays .
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