Example sentences of "[prep] [det] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well we 've asked him to meet us with regard to the footpaths , so we could use it for that at the same time ,
2 Sectarianism and intimidation in the workplace have not been taken into account either , when we asked about this at the same meeting we were told you had to prove you were being intimidated .
3 After thinking about this for a few minutes , he said , ‘ No ; it must be imagination . ’
4 Men are portrayed as being powerless : CB LOLITA , 13 , HAD SEX ON THE SLIDE ( ‘ A girl of 13 had sex on a kiddies ' playground slide with a young man she contacted over CB radio , a court heard yesterday ’ ) ; Bedtime antics of a ‘ latter-day Lolita ’ ( ‘ A 13-year-old girl … described as a ‘ latter-day Lolita ’ went to bed with one man … and then swapped him for another in the same room ’ ) ; Girl , 15 , tempted her mother 's man ( ‘ She had made propositions to him three times which he resisted before succumbing ’ ) ; Sex-case man goes to jail ( Defence counsel claimed ‘ the initiative in the sexual relationship came from the girl ’ ) ; CABBlE 'S TEEN SEX SESSIONS ( ‘ Taxi driver … found the cheeky advances of a teenage Lolita hard to resist ’ ) ; CHOIRMASTER AND GIRL , 15 ( ‘ I was tempted and that 's all ’ ) ; Girl gave rapist sex lesson ( ‘ A 14-year-old girl put out a challenge to a convicted rapist … .
5 It seemed to be in permanent decline , possibly for some of the same reasons as the Liberals after 1918 .
6 It should be sent ( or preferably taken ) as soon as possible , together with the free death certificate ( Form BD8 ) which you will have been given by the Registrar of Births and Deaths , to the local Social Security Office , and as in most cases there is an entitlement to a National Insurance death grant , application can be made for this at the same time .
7 Moisten each trout with 1 tsp oil , then stuff the inside of each with a few tarragon sprigs .
8 In his first letter from there he makes a significant little admission to Theo , and encloses a sketch : ‘ I should like to begin making hasty sketches of some of the many things I meet … but as it would probably keep me from my real work it is better not to start . ’
9 From this examination of some of the many patterns of family life which exist in Britain in the 1980s it can be seen that traditional views of the family are unsupported by research findings .
10 Our 84 years young Vice-President had the honour of being presented to Her Majesty The Queen when , accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh , she officially opened the D.L.F. 's new Centre in Harrow Road , London , W.9 and saw demonstrations by physiotherapists and occupational therapists of some of the many aids and equipment available .
11 This Chapter has been very largely concerned , first , with the presentation of some useful analytical distinctions , and , secondly , with a review of some of the many intricacies of deixis in familiar and less familiar languages .
12 Again there is nostalgic recollection of some of the former county names e.g. Pembrokeshire .
13 The tour will include a view of some of the former waterworks equipment and will provide an insight into how the rangers manage the park and balance the needs of wildlife with those of the visiting public .
14 Yet this image , allowing for exaggeration , is not totally removed from the reality of prewar Japanese society , and the persistence of some of the same characteristics in the post-1945 period therefore means that such categorization still contains a measure of truth .
15 He pondered the implications of this for a few days , uncertain whether to welcome it or feel alarmed .
16 Medical diagnoses covered a range of conditions , including dehydration ( 11 patients ) , sepsis ( 13 ) , intrinsic renal disease ( seven ) , and haematological disease ( eight ) , or a combination of these in a few cases .
17 There were only eight private acts for enclosure in the whole of England before 1714 , eighteen under George I ( 1714–27 ) , and 229 under George II ( 1727–60 ) , most of these in the latter part of his reign .
18 Well course , there 's gon na be a certain amount of all in the same day is n't there ?
19 With the help of many of the same printing presses , ink suppliers and distributors , Harlequin Enterprises , a Canadian firm which dominates the world 's romantic-fiction market , is doing a roaring business by expanding into Eastern Europe .
20 Repeated non-availability or failures to show up after agreeing to an engagement are likely to result in a discontinuation of offers of work , and in this sense casual working requires an acceptance of many of the same disciplines as apply to working in a regular fashion .
21 Alas , however , we speak here of a democracy of those with the least sense of urgency to correct what is wrong , the best insulation through short-run comfort from what could go wrong — a democracy run by and for the contented majority , in which those who do not share in its benefits do not participate .
22 Job losses , which until recently were unheard of in the NHS , usually affect older people first , resulting in the loss of those with the most skill and experience .
23 In the spring , this need of young animals for the company of those of the same age is very obvious .
24 Thus , before medieval drama went into the streets as part of a religious festival , less developed kinds of dramatization of several of the same events — key moments in the Christian history of the world — had been performed in churches , and some of the very earliest of these — the Quem quaeritis ? episodes of the encounters after the resurrection — had been performed within religious services .
25 Then , after going on like that for a few minutes he took my hand and said , ‘ Faith you were absolutely rubbish ! ’ with that famous dead-pan expression .
26 He remained like that for a few seconds longer , while they tied his wrists to a pair of iron rings bolted into the wall , and then they let him go and left him dangling there — half in , half out of the river .
27 They stayed like that for a few seconds , both breathing hard , their mouths almost touching .
28 So training is very easy to implement like that with a few memory cells and a binary decoder .
29 No one wants to shoot birds , but we must balance the survival of an entire species against that of a few individuals
30 He held her like this for a few seconds and then , suddenly , the oddly predatory look left his face and his hands dropped to his sides .
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