Example sentences of "[prep] [v-ing] [adv prt] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 How 's about easing up on the sentence , it is Easter after all . ’
2 So far we 've been concentrating on Meryl 's reasons for hanging round on the gallery in the middle of the night ; all well and good , but what was Gladys doing there ? ’
3 Thatched umbrellas and deck-chairs are provided for sunbathing down on the beach .
4 The dog he had raised from a pup went missing 31 days ago after running off on a country walk .
5 A yachtsman has been reunited with his wife — five months after setting off on a voyage which should have lasted just four weeks .
6 YOUNG Abbey National savers Benny and Laura Grant will soon be losing the Abbey habit after missing out on the flotation cash distribution to young investors — due to the advice of the society 's staff .
7 The other man was in no particular rush to be anywhere , being newly-divorced and having been thrust back into bedsit-land alone and at the age of forty-two , but out of a range of possibilities the prospect of hanging around on a station platform with Joe Lucas had to rank among the lowest .
8 Die Grünen has been described by Petra Kelly as an ‘ anti-party party ’ , and getting into bed with them might be a guarantee of ending up on the floor .
9 I know you see which side my fence is buttered , and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing , then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab .
10 He 'd think nothing of checking up on a fellow 's credentials .
11 Not so popular was the experimental survival section of the course which always seemed to be carried out in extremely inclement weather with a helicopter helping to increase the discomfort of tossing about on a life raft in Plymouth Sound .
12 Towards the end of each session when clients are setting themselves homework tasks , make a point of writing down on a piece of paper , in specific terms , what it is they are supposed to do .
13 It takes an hour and a lot of people do n't want to walk around the city they 'd like the option of going around on the bus .
14 The women had got into the way of going up on the deck every evening .
15 at the Gateshead National Garden Festival from 1989 to 1990 that was alright , then last September 1990 and with the end of the festival in site I had a dread of going back on the dole as I already spent seven years on the dole previously through no-fault of my own .
16 I do have to admit , though , that when I 'm working away from home it 's not a case of going out on the town — but going straight to bed to catch up on a good night 's sleep .
17 It was less easy to convince herself that the thought of lying down on the bench with fitzAlan , with hardly a stitch of clothing between them , did n't scare the wits out of her .
18 He decided to throw himself off the parapet of the bridge instead of lying down on the track .
19 Once we agreed on the idea of pulling back on the emotion and letting the situation she was in speak for itself , the part took off .
20 Advisers constantly complain of lost files at the Department of Social Security , staff indifference and the difficulty of getting through on the telephone .
21 Course it 's worth bothering because a lot of young men that was unemployed come down to the school where I 'm the caretaker and they said , we know that you 're running short is there any chance of getting in on the scene ?
22 I know they 're going on to security entrance is n't it , where the er they 're going to have their own key or own method of getting in on an intercom .
23 In charge of flying off on the carrier was Wg.Cdr .
24 Clint Boon moves to the front of the bus to chat with Mr Palmer , who has some '60s rock tales to tell , and the Oldham Organaire sits in respectful thrall as the driver tells of riding in on a motorbike from the mid-west in the mid-'60s to make San Francisco his home .
25 For Jeanne Favret-Saada ( 1980 ) , who set out to study witchcraft in the French Bocage , the only means of moving in on the discourse she hoped to understand was to become part of it .
26 Possibly , just possibly , the cars get sold as well as wage and staff cuts , but cutting directors ' perks instead of cutting back on the shop floor level ?
27 Ranulf and Maltote disappeared like will-o'-the-wisps whilst Corbett received one of Maeve 's lectures about the need to rest , as well as the dangers of charging about on the King 's business in weather not fit for the worst of sinners .
28 The simple act of starting out on the route from Tunbridge Wells to Bourne End was nevertheless sufficient to call to her mind every detail of what she had seen and heard that afternoon .
29 Finding yourself between clubs , you try to force a wedge instead of gripping down on a 9-iron .
30 If coaching were simply a matter of putting down on a piece of paper 10 points to improve , we 'd all be world beaters .
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