Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] at the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 McCoist also became his club 's record scorer for Scotland at the same time when getting his 14th goal for Roxburgh .
2 Secondly , the young stranger who also passed through Godstowe at the same time — was it just a coincidence , or was he connected with the murder victims ? ’
3 The association with Fahreddin Acemi of the only information in the Turkish sources about the activities of the early Muftis may well not be entirely coincidental , for in one very important respect he seems to have differed from his two predecessors in the traditional list , Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan , in that he appears not to have held a kadilik simultaneously with the Muftilik , whereas Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan apparently both held the kadilik of Bursa at the same time as the Muftilik .
4 In the middle of this he was trying really to listen to the distress of the family and demonstrate something of the compassion of God at the same time .
5 However , the Central Council recognized in April that a franchise change could not now be avoided , but resolved to support it only if the government would agree to restore the House of Lords at the same time .
6 The fear is that people will start to flood out of Iraq at the same time , in which case we could be talking about up to 2 million people leaving Iraq through Jordan .
7 erm the fear is that people will start to flood out of Iraq at the same time , in which case we could be talking about up to 2,000,000 people leaving Iraq through Jordan .
8 He er , he will cope with Lazzards at the same time , so James , over to you .
9 ‘ We could talk about God at the same time as walking , ’ said Beuno .
10 Sometimes there were short races between the Bletchley and Newport workmen 's trains as both were booked away from Wolverton at the same time .
11 Your record does n't have to be picked up by all these routes for promotion , but if you enjoy Record of the Week in NME at the same time as receiving good reviews of your live shows and the occasional play on Radio 1 , this should allow you to make impression on the Indie charts or even the national top 100 .
12 Antwerp 93 's big art show is devoted to Jacob Jordaens , who was born 400 years ago to the year , and lived in Antwerp at the same time as Rubens and Van Dyck .
13 The youths are likely to be in Scotland at the same time as the New Zealand national side and Auckland provincial side .
14 ‘ They just all happened to be in Washington at the same time .
15 THE WOMEN 'S Tour de France , traditionally held in July at the same time as the men 's race , will be held in the first two weeks of September from next year .
16 Hence in late nineteenth-century France the aged were already a more prominent group , almost twice the proportion in England at the same time : indeed , there were proportionally somewhat fewer old in booming Victorian England than in 1700 .
17 The treble rugby league champions , League winners for the past three years , are planning to rearrange a home match with Bradford Northern for February 7 — and provide a team for the World Sevens in Sydney at the same time .
18 Held , allowing the appeal , that the retraction by a witness in extradition proceedings of evidence previously given in the requesting state did not in itself discredit that evidence and , unless it was worthless , the magistrate was entitled to act upon it in deciding whether there was sufficient evidence to justify an order for committal ; that , equally , a witness 's evidence was not to be automatically discredited by virtue of that witness having been an alleged accomplice of the accused ; and that the magistrate had given proper consideration to the retraction of P. 's evidence and to his being an alleged accomplice when deciding if there was sufficient evidence to justify the applicant 's committal ; that , further , since the provision in article 1 of the Treaty allowing for extradition in respect of offences ‘ committed within the territory of the requesting party ’ having been extended by article 3(2) to cover participation in extradition offences punishable by the laws of both states , the lack of evidence of the applicant 's presence in Sweden at the relevant time did not take the offences outside the ambit of the Treaty ; that under Schedule 1 to the Act of 1989 the magistrate was concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to the English crimes specified in the order to proceed and not with the jurisdiction of the Swedish court ; and that , accordingly , the magistrate had been entitled to commit the applicant ( post , pp. 846D–F , 850F — 851A , E — 852C , 853A ) .
19 Mr. Newman however went on to submit that , before the magistrate could commit the applicant , there must be evidence before him to the effect that the courts of the requesting state had jurisdiction , under its own laws , to try the applicant for his participation in the offences committed in Sweden , when he himself was not in Sweden at the relevant time .
20 A complementary exhibition that will bring Cezanne and Pissarro together should be on at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris at the same time as the Rishel/Cachin retrospective .
21 Cambodian resistance leaders Prince Norodom Sihanouk and Son Sann were in Paris at the same time .
22 One of Luther 's great statements about justification was that of our standing before God as simul justus et peccator — that we are sinful and yet righteous before God at the same time .
23 A policeman was killed and four people were injured in a clash in Brsadin at the same time .
24 To mark the return to normal , a totally abnormal arrangement was made , whereby West Indies and England were both in Australia at the same time , playing alternate Tests against the home team .
25 Two themes expected to run through the study are the impact of computer-aided design , draughting , and manufacture on the design process , and the role and status of the professional engineer in Britain at the present time .
26 What has happened with him since , since he became more of a big newspaper owner , is he shifted from that and he has been known to support a Labour government in Australia and a Tory government in Britain at the same time and George Bush in the United States while supporting Keating or Bob Hawk in Australia .
27 A wreath will also be laid at Thomas 's grave in France at the same time as the walk leaves Steep .
28 But in Italy at the same time both foreign and native composers were developing forms of secular polyphony which later in the century were to spread over most of Europe and bring about a remarkable expansion of music 's technical resources in the regions of harmony and tonality and in emotional and pictorial expressiveness .
29 Surprisingly there is now one spot in the timetable when there are two passenger trains in Aberystwyth at the same time , necessitating shunting in the station to the centre road or run round and shunt token working with Borth as the intermediate point .
30 To help , just contact Sight Savers at 21 The Strand , Bromsgrove , Worcestershire B61 8AB ( tel : 0527 579226 ) or pick up a leaflet from Sound Control at 61 Jamaica Street , Glasgow G1 4NN for a sponsorship form , and then go along to either the Birmingham Town Hall on Sunday September the 20th between 2.00pm and 4.00pm , or our Scottish Music Show at the SECC in Glasgow at the same time .
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