Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [coord] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Details of provision can be obtained from social services and from organisations such as Counsel and Care for the Elderly and GRACE .
2 The Duchess of Gloucester , as Patron , visits the offices of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
3 11 October : The Duchess of Gloucester , Patron of Counsel and Care for the Elderly , today visited the Counsel 's new offices at 16 Bonny Street , London NW1 .
4 Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze , meeting US Secretary of State Baker in Moscow on Aug. 3 , issued with him a joint statement condemning the invasion of Kuwait and appealing for a global ban on arms supplies to Iraq .
5 The manifesto condemned the invasion of Kuwait and called for the immediate withdrawal of Iraqi forces .
6 The Prague meeting was preceded by sharp disagreements between the Soviet Union and some member states , notably Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland , whose representatives spoke openly about the dissolution of COMECON and pressed for a speedier implementation of currency convertibility and the right to trade individually with organizations such as the European Communities ( EC ) .
7 Next I had yet another idea , I wrote to the American Women 's Club of Thailand and asked for the donation of a video player .
8 Bert Midgeley watched him disappear over the hill towards Wanswell and wished for the millionth time that Simon was still with him .
9 The Lebanese government received a US letter of assurances on Oct. 19 , reportedly referring to the implementation of UN Resolution 425 , adopted in March 1978 following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and calling for a complete Israeli withdrawal [ see p. 29649 ] .
10 You should make it clear that you will be a student at the University of Edinburgh and ask for an account to be opened at a convenient branch .
11 You should make it clear that you will be a student at the University of Edinburgh and ask for an account to be opened at a convenient branch .
12 We crossed into Germany and stopped for the night at a service station between Speyer and Karlsruhe .
13 Stories about the illegal capture and sale of wild animals do n't usually have happy endings , and so no wonder there was much celebration when 10 wild-caught orang-utans smuggled into Taiwan and destined for the pet trade were confiscated by Taiwanese officials and sent back to their Indonesian homeland for rehabilitation .
14 He joined Guinness in 1952 as an Under Brewer and worked for a number of years on 24 hour shifts under the guidance of the late .
15 Outside , he joined up with Mahmoud and waited for the two women .
16 Should he get back into Oxford and try for a First and a Rugby Blue ?
17 He said : ‘ I was on the verge of the England squad with Norwich and played for the Under-21 side a few times .
18 It is my desire that many others , in our own day , will catch something of Baxter 's vision , zeal for God and love for the souls of men .
19 Brannen , now working in Stoke and competing for the city 's athletics club , agreed to represent his new home county in the pole vault and high jump before team manager Bill McGuirk contacted him with an invitation to be the NorthEast 's 110 metres hurdler .
20 Glad of our meeting in Vancouver and hope for a reunion in New York , Moscow , Samarkand or the Volga ’ .
21 Once the Munich Agreement of October 1938 appeared to dash any such prospect , Stalin lost interest in Spain and help for the by then desperate Republic dried up .
22 Six members of the PP had been arrested on April 6 on the orders of a magistrate in Valencia and questioned for a week about their involvement in irregular financial dealings to obtain political donations for the party worth 2,000 million pesetas ( about US$19,000,000 ) .
23 In a sudden blur of motion , he leapt away from Grant and sprinted for the cover of the trees .
24 They met again in November and stented for The King 's part .
25 They met again in November and stented for The King 's part .
26 Then Alec Smith , the Prime Minister 's son , spoke , pledging himself to fight for God 's will in Africa and calling for a giving up of ‘ pride and privilege , to save a continent ’ .
27 Iris and her group were absent , it having been agreed before they set off that they would have lunch in St-Jean-du-Gard and telephone for the mini-bus from the station at Anduze on their return .
28 Bush denied that he had been in Paris and called for an end to the " rumour-mongering " concerning the affair .
29 Naturally , apart from the accusation of hypocrisy and of letting Britain solve its marriage problems , the government ends up being accused of allowing divorce for the wealthy and none for the poor , as the cost of going to and staying in Britain and paying for the legal procedures is beyond the pockets of the majority .
30 The winners , who both come from Manchester and asked for no publicity , scooped £1,338,825.45p each .
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