Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was common practice , ’ he commented , ‘ for Alexander III to ride like a demon around his kingdom .
2 A ‘ no ’ vote is likely to delay the start of the EEA planned for January 1 to coincide with the launch of the EC 's single market .
3 To get his own back , Stroganov took advantage of the atmosphere of March 1848 to complain to the tsar of the Ministry of Education 's " liberalism " .
4 It seems possible to suggest , then , that in Fahreddin Acemi one finds the full realization of a conscious policy ( perhaps partly realized in Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan ) on the part of Murad II to create within the state " … alongside of the secular power , a religious authority … representing , so to speak , the religious conscience of the people " .
5 There were reports of some units already having transferred allegiance to Ukraine , including the 48th division , withdrawn from Czechoslovakia in 1990 , which had disobeyed orders of Sept. 10 to move to the Caucasus .
6 Innocent did not want the recognition of Frederick II to turn into a full-scale debate on the imperial title ( which Siegfried 's interruption threatened ) , though he was careful to allow Otto 's party to be heard in what was rapidly becoming a shouting-match between Otto 's supporters and Frederick 's representatives .
7 It transformed the way that the English dealt with the world outside Europe ; even though Charles 's son came back to the throne as Charles II in 1660 , the Republic changed the direction of English imperial policy and set a pattern followed at least until the death in 1714 of the last direct descendant of Charles I to sit on the throne .
8 We end , after a protracted flashback , with Casaubon unable to go to the police because nobody would believe his story .
9 Fit-again keeper Tommy Wright and midfield influence Paul Bracewell are unlikely to be in the starting 11 , with Keegan sure to stay with the same side .
10 The government promised in February 1991 to continue with the sale of state assets .
11 ( The Executive Committee and the Supreme Council for the Defence of the Homeland had both been formed in February 1989 to act as a central leadership under the country 's emergency regulations — see pp. 36449-50 . )
12 Havel , who had been elected in December 1989 to serve in an interim capacity [ see p. 37107 ] , was the sole candidate ; a number of other individuals had been disqualified , not having been nominated by parliamentary deputies , while Stefan Kvietik , nominated by the Slovak National Party , had withdrawn .
13 Attempts in January 1991 to rush through the privatization of the banking sector had met with legal objections [ see pp. 38007 ] , but two public-sector banks had been privatized , in January and August .
14 Iraqi aircraft overflew Tehran and the holy city of Qom in January 1984 to demonstrate to the Iranian leadership that no part of Iran , except remote towns like Mashhad , was beyond their reach .
15 On Feb. 8 the Court gave the government of Nauru until July 19 to reply to the submission .
16 Berkshire family health services authority amended the new form from July 1991 to ask for the time the visit was made .
17 Two bodies were set up in October 1990 to press for the introduction of multiparty democracy and the convening of a national conference on the country 's political future .
18 The list is long : the government 's decision in August 1985 to lean on the BBC Board of Governors not to show a Real Lives programme featuring interviews with terrorists in Northern Ireland ; its prohibition of broadcasts with terrorist groups in Northern Ireland ; its prosecution of newspapers which revealed the contents of the Spycatcher book of memoirs by a retired MI5 agent , Peter Wright ; its robust dismissal of the dissenting views of senior figures in the Church of England , senior civil servants , and university spokesmen ; its appointments to various quangos and nationalized industries ; and its controls on local government .
19 ( b ) Greenpeace , the environmental group , planned in September 1983 to row across the Thames , climb Big Ben , and unfurl a banner at the top .
20 The hon. Gentleman will know , or at least his advisers will know , that regulation 72 was originally introduced in April 1987 to provide for the unlimited payment of arrears of benefits in cases where an error in the determination of entitlement to benefit had been made by an official of the Department .
21 A new 31-member " central committee for the comprehensive management of public security " , headed by politburo standing committee member Qiao Shi , was set up on March 22 to liaise with the party central committee and the State Council in supervising work to improve public order and social stability .
22 At least 50,000 UDF supporters staged a demonstration in Sofia on March 9 to protest at the continuing near-monopoly of the Bulgarian Communist Party over the press .
23 Representatives from state enterprise unions defied a ban on political gatherings and convened in Bangkok on March 21 to protest at an NPKA plan to amend the Labour Relations Act and dissolve all 61 state enterprise unions and prevent new ones from being formed .
24 Parliament voted on Jan. 17 to renew for a further six months the state of emergency first imposed under the Ian Smith regime in 1965 [ see p. 21092 ] and regularly renewed since then .
25 More than 100,000 people demonstrated in Paris on Jan. 25 to protest against the rise of right-wing extremism and racism in France and elsewhere in Europe .
26 The Supreme Court agreed on Jan. 21 to rule on the constitutionality of Pennsylvania 's restrictive abortion law before the end of its current session in July 1992 .
27 The SPD parliamentary group in the Volkskammer voted on Aug. 7 to remain in the coalition , but reversed this decision on Aug. 19-20 after de Maizière had made Cabinet changes against the SPD 's wishes .
28 At France 's instigation the Western European Union ( WEU ) convened in London on Aug. 7 to confer on a possible monitoring role .
29 Armenian guerrillas seized some 40 Soviet Interior Ministry troops in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh on Aug. 13 to exchange for a militant Armenian leader Zh .
30 An Azeri attack on Armenian territory around the village of Artsvashen in western Azerbaijan in early August prompted Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan on Aug. 10 to appeal to the signatories of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) collective security treaty ( signed by six member states at the Tashkent summit in May — see p. 38922 ) to " carry out their obligations " in coming to Armenia 's aid .
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