Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Angell responded that it would not be feasible for Moscow to leap from the present unconvertible rouble to the complex Western system of floating exchange rates , or to a dollar or yen-backed rouble .
2 I have to admit that I felt a strange sense of elation as I hit him again , in fact I plumbed the depths of bad taste by yelling , ‘ Never one around when you want one , is there , Jack ? ’ as Armstrong bounced for the second time .
3 Companies such as Caterham come under the second tier and have to comply with national approval rules based on EC legislation .
4 This will disgorge the stored information twice a day , at alternate intervals of 10 and 14 hours , as IRAS passes over the operational control centre at Chilton in Oxfordshire .
5 This holds even though much of the money for welfare programmes such as AFDC comes from the Federal exchequer ; the larger the average payment , above a Federally-prescribed minimum , the larger the proportion of it which has to be met from State revenues , so that generous State governments are taxing their own residents in order to support their generosity ( see Tresch , 1975 ) .
6 He had first reported to Donleavy on the use of counterfeit money for DEA stings during the 1987 season , after Dany Habib had produced a sample from his desk drawer , but it was soon clear from what he observed at Eurame that this , too , had become standard operating procedure in his absence .
7 The Law Reform ( Limitation of Actions ) Act 1954 for Scotland provided in the relevant section :
8 Their discovery helped overthrow the medieval concept of the Solar System and a few decades later , by a method that I shall not describe , observations of Io led to the first determination of the speed of light , which until then was thought by many philosophers to be infinite .
9 The treatment was as diverse as the geographical distribution , from the simple four-part settings of the complete Psalter in Polish by Mikolaj Gomolka ( Cracow , 1580 ) , employing tunes drawn from plainsong , Protestant song , and the popular music of Eastern Europe generally , to the astonishing collection of settings of Marot-Bèze published by the Dutch master Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck ( 15621621 ) in four books ( Amsterdam , 1604 , 1613 , 1614 , and Haarlem , 1621 ) .
10 A new technique of ‘ direct action ’ , with Bertrand Russell 's blessing though not as yet his participation , began in December 1958 , with a march through the muddy fields of Norfolk leading to the obscure American rocket base at Swaffham .
11 The people of Kislev moved into the Old World from the areas east of the Worlds Edge Mountains and founded the kingdom which lies on the north eastern borders of the Empire .
12 ‘ Oh , do shut up ! ’ said Molly , thinking of Jacqueline left in the sole care of Giovanna .
13 The Carmel Woods case helps highlight the enormous difficulty of challenging the validity of IDO claims under the 1991 Act and also helps keep the spotlight on the legacy of old minerals permissions which planning authorities are powerless to tackle under the 1981 Act .
14 But once upon a time the ad pages of NME throbbed with the heady thrills of Loon pants !
15 When solving the up- or down-problem at node k in preceding sections , we first modified the original tableau of LPk to allow for the new or changed , upper or lower bound .
16 In June he dismissed a letter from President Havel of Czechoslovakia protesting at the human rights situation in Cuba as " ignorant of our country 's problems " .
17 Table 2 offers a comparison of Grampian exports with the equivalent totals for Scotland as a whole .
18 The treaty of Brest-Litovsk , which the military superiority of Germany forced upon the young Soviet State at the end of the year , revealed the limits of its power : ‘ The past keeps fast hold of us , ’ Lenin observed gloomily at the 8th Party Congress , ‘ grasps us with a thousand tentacles , and does not allow us to take a single forward step , or compels us to take these steps badly . ’
19 The first stage of Felix lased for the first time in August 1991 , and the second stage will be operational this summer .
20 As in the case of Bacon , the central importance of Paracelsus rests on the general impetus he gave to the reform of science and on the development of a comprehensive religious and ethical framework for scientific and medical endeavour .
21 Moving with them to north Africa , he was initially held in enforced inactivity behind the lines , a problem which he solved in characteristic style : ‘ The Battle of Alamein began on the 23rd of October , 1942 .
22 In fact , Hainer Bastian see this exhibition as completing the vision of Picasso presented at the last great retrospective in New York twelve years ago , when the focus was on his Cubist , surrealist and classical phases .
23 Adkin Financial Services offers comprehensive financial advice and support to clients of Adkin based on the extensive experience and know-how of its professional staff .
24 Increasing pressure for the relaxation of the strict deadlines for motor vehicle emission standards and for the attainment of NAAQSs resulted in the Clean Air Amendments of 1977 .
25 Since some of those are probably from the same people , it is safe to assume that the aviation user base of Skymaster runs into the low hundreds .
26 Today , there is a small octagonal chapel in the Beirut coastal suburb of Antelyas dedicated to the 1915 massacres .
27 While in Cartagena , Colombia , on Dec. 2-3 for the " Group of Rio " summit [ see p. 38675 ] , President Fujimori of Peru and President Borja of Ecuador met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute [ see p. 38526 ] .
28 ( Notice the similarity between this analysis and the reinterpretation of Keynes outlined in the previous section . )
29 Francois now moved in the general direction of Neidenburg to get behind the Russian rear , despite the fact that Ludendorff had ordered him to march rapidly northeast toward Lahna .
30 Mauritania , still in dispute with Senegal , was not represented by its head of state , and there was no delegation from Nigeria , which had been represented in Casablanca in December 1988 [ p. 36717 ] ; however , President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda attended for the first time .
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