Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] the same [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And ethnicity turns into separatist nationalism for much the same reasons as colonial liberation movements establish their states within the frontiers of the preceding colonial empires .
2 We may have moved on from the steel nib and the blackboard , but are we not educating our children for much the same reasons as we were 50 years ago ?
3 Denmark joined the EEC for much the same reasons as the British did : she wished to ensure that she was not excluded from a large ‘ home ’ market , particularly for her agricultural products .
4 Up to now I 've avoided mentioning our day-to-day domestic life , for much the same reason that ex-prisoners are reluctant to talk about their time inside .
5 Balkan aggression was directed at the Germans and Austrians for much the same reason that Polish nationalism was directed against the partitioning powers , but unlike the Poles , the Serbians and Bosnians were supported by the Russians .
6 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
7 For much the same reason as I did .
8 Because he wanted a stronger and healthier nation , for much the same reason as Hitler did , on the other side of the Alps — to turn the men into warriors and the women into the mothers of warriors — he started what were known as colonie marine e montane , to which needy children were sent on holiday .
9 There is no stratosphere ‘ bulge ’ of temperature for much the same reason as there is no such bulge in the Martian atmosphere ( question 3.13 ) .
10 And for much the same reason as for Mars the thermosphere of Venus only reaches modest temperatures ( section 3.4.1 ) .
11 The wording of the EPC , however , is difficult to apply to morality issues surrounding genetically engineered organisms for exactly the same reasons that difficulties arise over ‘ essentially biological processes ’ — the drafters of the convention did not envisage patenting of plants and animals .
12 And it was n't Sky 's fault that I used to watch better football at Barnet for exactly the same price as the weekly rental price of a satellite dish .
13 Book Club Europe Drive at the same time as your flight and you could be driving a luxurious Ford Granada Scorpio for exactly the same price as a Ford Sierra 1.6L .
14 She detested Topaz for exactly the same reason and her constant nagging had made Loverin 's mind up for him .
15 Some argue that cheap imports are a waste of money — others say widely differing prices are being charged for exactly the same product and that suppliers which criticise imported cutlery often stock it themselves .
16 The two sets of genes can be expected to ‘ pull together ’ for just the same reasons as all the genes of one individual organism normally pull together .
17 The Council of Europe , an international organisation of European states , of much the same character as the United Nations Organisation , is in no way a part of the constitution of the United Kingdom .
18 Finally , the tessellation of the latter , although comprising tesserae of much the same size as those in the former , presents perceptible differences in the shape of tesserae ( often jagged ) , and uses fewer tesserae to cover a given area .
19 She wore a bulky mock-leather jacket of much the same colour as the local brick , a tweed skirt and even in that light , wrap-around sunglasses .
20 But surely Stevenson greatly underestimates the place which the attitude theory can allow for rationality in ethics of much the same sort as is thought desirable in science , history or philosophy .
21 The owner was also uncompromisingly twentieth-century , a man of much the same height and age as McLeish but built like a string bean , with brown , short-cut hair and fashionable heavy horn-rimmed spectacles .
22 In Tuscany and Umbria to this day there are countless hill towns of much the same age as the hill forts of southern England — a few of them much older .
23 In 1623 an elderly Roman organist , Paolo Quagliati ( C. 1555–1628 ) included in his Sfera armoniosa a duetto da camera for two sopranos and violino obligato in three sections distinguished by different characters , different metres , and ( obviously ) different tempi : EX. 87(ii) is a triple-time aria of exactly the same type as those by Berti and d'India just mentioned .
24 Far better that its messengers take it only to plants of exactly the same kind where the genes it carries will unite with eggs and form seeds .
25 He can however close out the position by simply buying an option of exactly the same description as the one he had previously sold .
26 The most important point , however , that emerged from Hartner 's investigation was that by 503 BC the Babylonian astronomer-priests had discovered that the tropical year ( the year of the seasons ) is not of exactly the same length as the sidereal year ( the ‘ true ’ astronomical year ) .
27 ‘ East or west all woods must fail ’ is then a statement of exactly the same class as ‘ The Road goes ever on and on ’ : literally true , literally unhelpful or even banal , but in its literal truth making a symbolic promise .
28 And yet Victoria has accused me of exactly the same sin as I am so lightly attributing elsewhere ( incidentally , to people who are more fiction than fact ) .
29 The entertainments industry faces a similar peak of approximately the same duration and timing .
30 For instance , a work of scholarship devoted to an esoteric subject will sell for a significantly higher price than a novel of approximately the same length and format by a popular writer .
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