Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few [noun] [Wh adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Hence TL is normally used in the following situations : beyond the range of radiocarbon : when no organic material has been preserved on the site : when the association between the event to be dated and the radiocarbon content of the organic samples is poor ; or for the few periods where the age range on a calibrated radiocarbon age is larger than the corresponding TL error term .
2 One of two possible methods is to divide off one end of the tank using a clear divider and install the new fish into the smaller section , after a few days when the other occupants of the tank have accepted the newcomer then remove the divider and let all of the fish mix .
3 One day Tony gets up to watch and witnesses one of the few times when the sun travels across a blue , cloudless sky .
4 This can best be seen in the appointment of commissions to assess the subsidy on aliens granted in Edward IV 's last parliament , one of the few cases where the council took positive decisions about personnel rather than ( as with the sheriffs , for instance ) simply confirming Edward IV 's appointments .
5 This can best be seen in the appointment of commissions to assess the subsidy on aliens granted in Edward IV 's last parliament , one of the few cases where the council took positive decisions about personnel rather than ( as with the sheriffs , for instance ) simply confirming Edward IV 's appointments .
6 In doing so it became one of the few countries where the brand has an active agency handling Guinness through the retail distribution system .
7 Economists are warning that a prolonged strike in the industry — one of the few sectors where the US enjoys a positive trade balance — would have a serious impact on the American trade deficit .
8 It was also one of the few occasions where the singer 's sense of humour was enticed from the shell .
9 It is significant that one of the few occasions when the author of Ancrene Wisse hints at the contemplative experience occurs in his account of the behaviour appropriate at the Mass : ( After the kiss of peace in the Mass , when the priest communicates , forget the world , be completely out of the body , and with burning love embrace your Beloved who has come down from heaven to your heart 's bower , and hold Him fast until He has granted you all that you ask . )
10 I am pleased to be able to confirm that the setting up of Council Tax liabilities for individual properties is now complete within the computer software , with the exception of a few properties where the rebate entitlement has still not to be finally resolved .
11 Those who did marry all left the trade , except for a few cases where the husband was a serving soldier abroad during the war .
12 Sarah watched for a few moments when the game began , then went off to look for her Nature treasures .
13 In the few cases where the church plan diverges from the conventional arrangement by including only a single side aisle rather than the normal two , this volume , rather than the nave space , can be used to accommodate the dwellings access corridor , although it is noteworthy that in the conversion of St James 's Church , Farnham , Surrey , which is also described in this chapter , the optimum cross-sectional treatment of such an asymmetrical plan placed the longitudinal access corridor in the former nave space , the aisle projection being used to accommodate living-rooms .
14 Therefore , arbitrage can lead to the sale or purchase of very large blocks of shares , irrespective of the price , in the few minutes when the delivery price is determined .
15 Todays toil to lower the level of the brook takes a bitmore than one man and his dog , but the necessary speed of the work means thispiece of Georgian architecture will be hidden once more in a few days when the brook 's allowed to flow through here again .
16 Rather , indicate in a few words how the rest of your answer would proceed if you had time .
17 On the few occasions when the wind was not blowing a gale , the fog descended like a shroud .
18 Instructions for the folding part of the handle referred to an earlier model with a spindle ; but the wingnut handles were obviously fixed by a bolt , and released by a few turns when the handle needed to be folded for storage .
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