Example sentences of "[prep] [art] next [adj] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 For the next thirty years the Duke and Duchess lived in Paris .
2 For the next thirty years the Duke and Duchess lived in Paris .
3 For the next 2000 years the abstract/axiomatic approach was with a few exceptions replaced by a more concrete intuitive approach .
4 For the next eighteen months the Party ran a campaign for a " People 's Government and a People 's Peace " , setting up a People 's Convention to popularize this slogan in the labour movement .
5 For the next 138 years the Brick Lane brewery was to be run exclusively by members of these three families , the Hanburys , Buxtons and Pryors .
6 For the next four months the Prime Minister 's horse still has to be kept in Quarantine in Moscow and in London , Then finally John Majors will get the birthday present he never really wanted in the first place .
7 For the next four years the society put pressure on the brewery to save the cottages and improve the frontages .
8 A movement was born that provided for the next four years the reference point for the left , and for artists and what passed for Britain 's Beats .
9 In a sentence : for six months the farmer fed the pig , and for the next six months the pig fed the farmer , which is fair .
10 Savings accounts in banks were left untouched , but the decree limited for the next six months the amount of cash which could be withdrawn from accounts to a maximum Rbs500 per month , although it authorized the use of bank transfers by individuals for payment to state shops and enterprises .
11 For the next two hours the literary lunchers surged around Hannah and virtually ignored the ostensible star of the show , who had been obliged to immediately follow Hannah and had fallen flat .
12 For the next two years the King lived in various places , sometimes treated as a prisoner , sometimes as an honoured guest , but hardly ever able to consult with his most trusted advisers .
13 As a result the German frontier was broken , and for the next two years the provinces of Germany and Gaul were plundered by the invaders .
14 The Labour amendment was to explore ways in which resources can be provided to fund and enhance refurbishment programme without closures and that for the next two years the additional necessary funding be sourced from housing benefit income and income from the sale of East Midlands Airport and from other capital receipts .
15 ‘ Would you believe it ? ’ he exclaimed ; and for the next ten minutes the surrounding hills were alive with the sound of music , and the happy splash of rising trout .
16 For the next ten minutes the line hummed as Forbes recounted how the Iranian exile and her daughter had been seized in the middle of the morning rush hour .
17 For the next ten minutes the house was quiet except for the perceptible hum of healthy life from the kitchen .
18 In the following summer the English reoccupied the border counties and Dumfriesshire , and for the next ten years the principal concern of the Scots became the recovery of their king and their lost territory .
19 For the next half hour the rehearsals took on a sudden lift and everyone began to dare to try things out without feeling foolish .
20 For the next 20 months the entire family will be living mostly under canvas during altitude acclimatisation in the Alps and in Canada .
21 For the next 40 years the name of Edna Jacques was the synonym for ‘ saleable verse ’ and she published volume after volume .
22 For the next twenty years the number of unemployed never fell below a million .
23 For the next twenty miles the road ran beside the restrained waters of the Danube .
24 For the next few days the bone marrow which was taken from Carly will be incubated with the reprogrammed cells in a laboratory in Leiden .
25 For the next few weeks the debate on the reforms rolled on .
26 For the next few weeks the male passes food for his entire family through this hole until the female breaks the wall down and leaves the hole to help him collect the increasing quantity of food demanded by the growing chicks .
27 For the next few years the horde ravaged at will through the mountains , desecrating shrines , despoiling tombs , and waylaying travellers , but Grom was unable to take any of the Dwarf holds or bring them to battle .
28 Shortly after that , Ramsey took over as England 's manager , and for the next 12 years the fortunes of the two men were inextricably intertwined .
29 For the next three hours the motorbike led them a nightmare chase over more than a hundred kilometres of mountain roads that were often little more than channels covered by scree and loose gravel , furrowed by rain-water and ridged by surfacing strata of rock .
30 For the next three years the Communists worked towards this aim , though with little concrete success .
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