Example sentences of "[prep] [art] same time as this " in BNC.

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1 About the same time as this incident , when he was fifteen , Richard Baxter experienced a spiritual awakening .
2 A report published at about the same time as this scheme was being inaugurated suggests , however , that BES competition for limited funds may damage housing associations by raising the cost of borrowing .
3 However , even at the same time as this controversy continues the discipline has not only come to recognize the influence of the self , but has urged that we use it as a scientific construction ( Okely 1975a ) .
4 At the same time as this Conrad work was in his head , Eliot received anthropological proof that ‘ Life is very long ’ for ‘ civilized ’ people and for ‘ savages ’ alike in an age of degeneration , and that if the savage revealed a level of horror hidden in city life , then similarly civilized man might corrupt the savage .
5 The later instruments will fit with wiring modifications but need the later type alternator fitted at the same time as this provides the signal to drive the rev counter .
6 Begin with the most common offenders : milk , milk products and chocolate , cutting out beef at the same time as this can sometimes cross-react with milk .
7 At the same time as this was happening , that is to say between the late to midseventies , the Government announced its ‘ fight against inflation ’ with all its consequences for local government spending .
8 At the same time as this service was held similar services were held in Holy Trinity Church , Leeds , and St Ann 's RC Church , Bradford .
9 At the same time as this was happening teachers demanded to be treated ‘ as professionals ’ , scornfully ignoring the view , repeatedly expressed , that the disruption of children 's education for so long a period was hardly the behaviour that one might expect from members of a ‘ profession ’ .
10 At the same time as this appearance of detailed control was being given , there was little opportunity for councillors to exercise a co-ordinated leadership for strategic policy-making .
11 At the same time as this threat Henry found himself faced with a revolt of a section of the Breton nobility , alarmed by his high-handed treatment of their duchy , and there were already hints of trouble elsewhere in his dominions .
12 Do not try to listen to the radio at the same time as this can cause " feedback " down the phone .
13 HarperCollins is giving him a big push , and is reissuing Climbers and The Ice Monkey at the same time as this haunting tale .
14 At the same time as this another organisation was being formed , The Peoples Education Movement , ( P.E.M. ) the aims of which , although suitably vague , were to provide a non-partisan platform from which Dr.Williams could continue his lectures and build up his support .
15 Bit of a coincidence there , it went off at the same time as this ha as the tape stopped
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