Example sentences of "[prep] [art] same time [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 A greater co-operation between branches to units in covering prime sites should increase collection returns and at the same time remove any parochial attitudes .
2 At the same time remove any excess debris that has accumulated on the pond bottom .
3 He got up to fetch a cloth to wipe the tiny mess , at the same time bringing another strip of herring which Eyvør accepted daintily before tucking its small unpuffin-like beak into its back feathers and dozing off again .
4 Both sides made the fullest possible use of radio and television and any other means available to reinforce the spirit of resistance of their respective populations , and at the same time to depress that of the opposition .
5 ‘ That I have been doing , at the same time infusing some of my illustrious father 's principles of conduct into the narrative .
6 In response to each of these challenges , interests theories try to support the growth of an advanced division of labour by protecting persons within relations of interdependence without at the same time destroying those relations by imposing unbearable liabilities in the event of mishap .
7 On that instant she put down her comb , and turned her back on her dressing-table mirror — and at the same time rejected any notion that she felt in any way excited .
8 If , for example , the authorities wished to pursue a tighter monetary policy , they would raise MLR and at the same time sell more government bonds and Treasury bills .
9 The unequal distribution of resources in stratified societies enables the better-off to obtain privileged access to educational facilities to have their talent developed , while at the same time disadvantaging those at the bottom .
10 This definition , according to Schumpeter , is a summary or basis of a revised theory of democracy which is much truer to life and at the same time salvages much of what the sponsors of democratic method really mean by this term' Schumpeter builds up a definition of the modern political system in the West , which he claims ‘ to try out on some of the more important features of the structure and working of the political engine in democratic countries ’ .
11 She wondered if he ever dropped it ; she could sense that , however fluently he talked , however intently he listened — and he listened very intently — his mind was at the same time pursuing some other parallel track .
12 What is represented is a social object , and anchoring draws the individual into the cultural traditions of the group , whilst at the same time developing those traditions .
13 PAISLEY Chief Office staff shed several pounds during a sponsored slim — but at the same time raised many more for the town 's Accord Hospice .
14 Such personations may operate at several levels , so that the speaker may create a persona for another individual who is talked about , while at the same time animating several personas which represent him or her self .
15 The actor , in attempting to subject himself spontaneously to an occurrence and at the same time communicate that occurrence to an audience , is experiencing an unresolvable tension .
16 Bearing all this in mind , it may be helpful to those who are still open to suggestions to try to work out with them some very simple menus for a seven-day period ; meals which will suit their pocket , entail little expenditure of energy , but at the same time cover all their basic dietary requirements , and which can be made tasty and interesting by the addition of some of the sauces , seasonings , and flavourings will which you can supply them .
17 It could be worth many , many thousands of pounds in conventional advertising and at the same time gain that vital reputation of doing everything right .
18 Some students were reduced to learning their work parrot-fashion in order to keep up to the standard , while at the same time lacking any real understanding of what they were taught .
19 ‘ I was just wondering how , when a few women of my acquaintance would shrink in horror from such a confection , you manage to down such delights , while at the same time maintain such a slender and perfect shape . ’
20 History for New Historicism still meaningfully links past with present and even future while at the same time recognising that ‘ little histories ’ ( accounts which emphasise the particularity of specific historical acts within a localised context ) must be closely explicated .
21 A soft , pretty valance will give a feminine , romantic finish to the top of curtains , and at the same time hide those unattractive fixtures and fittings .
22 A fabric-covered pelmet can give a neat finish to the top of curtains , and at the same time conceal any unattractive tracks .
23 Since he continued at the same time to deny any intention to stand , the letter seemed designed to test the ground while adding to the ferment in the parliamentary party — especially among those MPs sitting in vulnerable , marginal seats .
24 THE TOM ROBINSON BAND The original line-up , road-testing some new material for future release , while at the same time customising some of the old agit-pop anthems .
25 The best we can do is to establish a habit of " challenge " since this allows the old idea to continue but at the same time attaches some doubt and dissatisfaction to it .
26 He read out Christine 's part , giving an imitation of all the inflections in her voice , at the same time prompting those around him when they forgot their lines .
27 This analysis of the dominant building styles of our society suggests that a set of representations derived from the interests and perspectives of a particular group in society not only denies access to this aspect of culture to alternative perspectives , but at the same time causes these representations to appear to be the image of those who have been excluded .
28 In each of the sifu 's lessons , he tries to teach something new but at the same time revises all the movements and self defence techniques that the students have studied so far .
29 The catalogue as a whole is thus a document in the history of taste , a historical account , and at the same time contains some art criticism , not always explicit in evaluating the works shown .
30 The architects and future leaders of the Indian successor state were determined utterly to obliterate any trace or relic of former dependence on Britain and at the same time to maintain that political unity of the subcontinent which British rule had produced .
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