Example sentences of "[prep] [art] long [noun sg] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 After a long battle with the local council , she was finally taken to court and fined £800 .
2 He did so after a long consultation with the Prime Minister .
3 The prospect of a long war with the inevitable increase in demand for service manpower was a critical factor .
4 She could just make out , beyond her own reflection , the night-shapes of a long garden with a flood-wall and a towpath at its end .
5 They 're , they 're like a long stick with a handle on them are n't they ?
7 If the situation lasts for a long time with no sign of improvement , you should discuss the future very carefully with the doctor or hospital specialist , rather than trying to cope in a hopeless situation which can not resolve itself .
8 Peggy had lived for a long time with an aunt while her daddy and mummy were abroad , and she had been spoilt by always getting her own way .
9 He was in hospital for a long time with the doctors far from optimistic that he would recover .
10 Some learning resources are cheaper than others , and British primary schools have improvised for a long time with the very simplest materials including the discarded packaging of the consumer society .
11 Nathaniel Sherman stumbled slightly at the entrance of his hut , and his wife heard him cursing and fumbling for a long time with the flap fastenings .
12 At the 1890 Convention of Local Phonograph Companies in Chicago , delegates asked for a longer cylinder with a section specifically set aside for an announcement , but this did not come about .
13 He has , of course , come into recent prominence through a long association with the late Robert Maxwell .
14 The " we " code is generally that with the longer association with the community , the community 's " own " language , while the " they " code is the community 's " new " language , a language of wider communication with the rest of the world .
15 She made it down into the long drawing-room with a sort of grim look on her face that Alain noted with a frown .
16 She had n't been paying much attention to the journey , and did n't have any idea of where they were ; the archway led into a long courtyard with a cobbled surface and small , squeezed-in houses to either side .
17 Strangely , she was no longer in the long room with the little door , but outside in a wood .
18 And there she was , back in the long room with the little glass table .
19 ( a ) Education. : A clear idea of exactly what coronary artery disease means is most important for the coronary patient if he is to comply in the long term with the advice that he is given , and understand what has happened to him .
20 Since the revolution in 1989 , it has been revealed that not only was Romania passing on some of the Western secrets obtained in the long honeymoon with the West to Moscow , but that Ceauşescu 's brother , Ilie , the Deputy Defence Minister , was passing Soviet military secrets and technology to the Americans .
21 The A.87 now crosses the loch on a long causeway with a warning of high winds , but even in calm weather the former road continuing up the valley to round the head of the loch , at the cost of two extra miles , is to be preferred .
22 At Montego Bay there was an overall shed backed by a long building with an elaborate tower .
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