Example sentences of "[prep] [art] few more [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After a few more minutes of ribald banter on our part we were startled by a flash to starboard and an explosion as a six-pound shell whizzed across our bows .
2 Three of them heaved the bulk over on to the high rocks and after a few more buckets of water , they stood back to inspect it further .
3 After a few more months on other farms , he would be ready to start farming himself .
4 After a few more days in Salamanca , during which you and I could do no work in common , your friends left in a great uproar of drunken invective , shouting political slogans — which fortunately were in German — against the Franco regime .
5 We 're in desperate need of a few more tenors for the choir . ’
6 He studied the English copy for a few more moments before dropping it into the shredder .
7 ‘ But if you carry on for a few more days on an unofficial basis , that 's your business .
8 It is a good idea to do this for a few more days before the horse travels .
9 I took a siesta in the shade , and when evening rolled around was feeling fit enough to head back into Bandera for a few more beers at the Silver Dollar .
10 In the succeeding Mesozoic era there was an initial radiation of the reptile class at the start of the first period , the Triassic , with a few more radiations in the following Jurassic .
11 Henry had thought of taking this line , but the trouble was , he found , one became almost too jolly at Donald 's expense , the implication being that he , the jammy bastard , was well off out of it , while they , the real sufferers , were condemned to a few more years of the horrors of living in Wimbledon .
12 Er oh , before we do that let's just n just listen to a few more seconds of this tape .
13 Eva did her best to " spark everybody up " and probably trod on a few more toes in the process .
14 Before going on to consider more problematic aspects of semantic constituency , let us look at a few more examples of the recurrent semantic contrast test in action .
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