Example sentences of "[prep] [art] next three [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now suppose that the actual rate increases by 8 percentage points every year for the next three years as a result of annual increases in the nominal stock of money .
2 It is believed that the National Gallery has committed its entire purchase grant for the next three years towards the cost of the Holbein and , given the fact that purchase grants for national museums have been frozen since 1985 , other museums are similarly powerless both to acquire when the works come onto the market , and to match their export price when their licences are suspended .
3 Tandy Corp 's Computer City subsidiary plans to expand in Europe this year : it already has superstores in Stockholm and Copenhagen and plans at least one more in Europe this year , although it 's not sure where ; Computer City — one step down from Tandy 's Incredible Universe fun palace stores — will open its 19th US superstore on April 1 in the Boston area and plans to open 16 new US superstores a year for the next three years for a total of 66 .
4 Subject to that undertaking , I am pleased to announce today that I have increased the funding planned by the corporation by £22 million , bringing provision for the next three years to £130 million .
5 It is understood that no specific target date has been identified for completion of the Heywood link , but a spokesperson for the borough planning department which was instrumental in obtaining funding for the project , pointed out that the grants negotiated are available for the next three years during which time the majority of restoration work must be completed .
6 He confined 340 mutineers in Burford Church for the next three days under general sentence of death .
7 For the next three weeks on Ideas in Action we 'll discuss some practical ways that parents and teachers can help dyslexic children .
8 New Internationalist Freepost Mitcham CR4 9AR ( No stamp needed ) Yes Please send me , without obligation , my free copies of the next three issues of the New Internationalist plus the world map and book token .
9 DURING the furore of the next three weeks of General Election campaigning , for Christians perhaps a few reflections about the institution which is the House of Commons — and especially about the men and women who are sent there — would not come amiss .
10 She was going to live every minute of the next three weeks like a hedonist .
11 The Library could budget for phased installation of entry level systems within the next three years by spending a proportion of its budget in each of these years , and working on these systems would give us the expertise to proceed to development phase .
12 IBM Canada Ltd and Apple Canada Ltd say they have won an education technology supply contract from the New Brunswick government : the province is to invest $12.7m in education technology in the next three years with the first phase starting immediately with $2m investment .
13 Two thousand jobs are to be created in the next three years with the construction of a new Channel Tunnel rail depot in the region .
14 The new strategy sets out a number of measures to be taken by the Society in the next three years including : —
15 The Law Society today publishes a Strategy for its work in the next three years in the Property and Commercial Services fields .
16 The government is making £40 million available to councils over the next three years for the funding of recycling schemes .
17 Mr Saldykov insists that he has a contract to sell 84 tonnes of red mercury over the next three years to an American company called API International .
18 And SEARS , the high street stores giant which sells Dolcis and Saxone shoes , is closing 350 shops over the next three years with the loss of 1,700 people .
19 The Department of Health will spend £300 000 over the next three years on testing the safety and effectiveness of new dental materials .
20 John Stewart ( Points of View , today ) laments over the quality of programmes being made for the £30 million being spent over the next three years on Gaelic television .
21 A SUCCESSFUL tooling company is on the expansion trail , with hopes of 70 new jobs in North Powys over the next three years as a result of a £4m investment programme .
22 Of this total , SDR660,600,000 would be available over the next three years under an extended arrangement .
23 It was understood that the UK had been guaranteed three of the quota of 15 tests authorized by Congress over the next three years under new test-ban legislation passed in September [ see p. 39121 ] .
24 And the support price for all commodities including wheat , which is already poised to reduce by 29 per cent over the next three years under CAP reform , could plunge if the value of sterling suddenly improved .
25 The Department of Education and Science said yesterday that the Government had spent £19.7m on CTCs and there was a further planned expenditure over the next three years of £106.2m .
26 The plan provides for the construction over the next three years of municipal effluent treatment plants in all towns along the river with a population of over 20,000 , the beginning of construction of such plants for cities of more than 50,000 , and the elimination of industrial sources of pollution .
27 The chief executives all confidently predicted that Leyland Daf trucks would make a profit over the next three years despite the loss of eighty-two million pounds at the time the company went into receivership .
28 The manifesto contains a promise to invest £6,300 million over the next three years in the trunk road and motorway network , with concentration on the building of bypasses , a further 40 of which will be opened by 1995 .
29 Italtel SpA is to install around 400,000 lines for Telecom Argentina SA over the next three years in a deal worth $600m : it says it will install the first 58,000 lines this year and the rest of them by 1996
30 The IMF on Jan. 27 approved an extended arrangement , authorizing drawings of up to the equivalent of SDR343,800,000 ( about US$484,000,000 ) over the next three years in support of the government 's economic and financial reform programme .
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