Example sentences of "[prep] [art] most [adj] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 It should also be pointed out that this is the pattern for the most usual spellings for the other vowel and diphthong sounds :
2 Furthermore , these health visitors cited journal articles and the mass media as the most important influences for changing advice .
3 This leaves signed English systems as the most likely candidates for success in education , but it is also appropriate to introduce the ‘ bilingual ’ possibility of sign language .
4 This comment in a recent ILO/UNCTC study of EPZs in the Caribbean is very typical : ‘ In spite of the small number of jobs generated so far , the rate at which EPZs create employment is , however , so high that they rank as the most dynamic agents for job creation compared with other sources of national employment ’ ( Long , 1986 , p.60 ) .
5 The debate is now about the most appropriate levels for decision-making .
6 Faced with extreme danger or death , we are programmed to shrug off the most appalling injuries for one last burst of energy , said a medical expert .
7 Without doubt , one of the most cogent reasons for disaster and dissatisfaction has been that the planning of effective resource-based activities took an inordinate or unacceptable amount of teacher-time in preparation .
8 The easel is the workhorse of the artist , and perhaps one of the most essential tools for the studio .
9 The easel is the workhorse of the artist , and perhaps one of the most essential tools for the studio .
10 The builders I have looked to have , therefore , been those who explored the potential of steel as one of the most advanced materials for construction : Roebling , Mies van der Rohe .
11 Examples of the most recent developments for corporate users of tax havens are detailed below .
12 One of the most emotional times for anyone .
13 But not too much ingredients , essential for some of the most necessary substances for a healthy life include have you got whisky in here as well ?
14 But in an increasingly urbanized society it took new forms more apparent to political opinion and more threatening to life and industry ; and there were very many more large populous areas devoid of the most elementary arrangements for disposing of waste or supplying pure water .
15 Louis Agassiz was one of the most eloquent spokesmen for this view of development as a divinely constructed pattern :
16 No evidence was called for from the professionals working in the health services , yet this review and White Paper have introduced some of the most radical suggestions for running the health services since the original 1946 Act .
17 ‘ Government funding for Mar Lodge 's future through Scottish Natural Heritage could n't be agreed to because it would be a nail in the coffin admission that the present deer forest system is at the root of the most serious problems for the Cairngorms ’ .
18 One of the most critical problems for organizations in designing well and competitively is their response or lack of response to change and , more specifically , to rates of change in markets ' technical and economic conditions .
19 Net change , forty five million pounds and that we regard as one of the most satisfying outcomes for the year .
20 Technological change is one of the most potent forces for upsetting existing industry structures .
21 Aminopterin had disadvantages , and the normal process of making and testing a series of closely related compounds led to a better drug , amethopterin , which differed by a single additional substituent but proved to be one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of blood cancers .
22 ‘ One of the most frustrating things for the police is to see someone they have spent weeks tracking down released on bail and subsequently re-offending .
23 One of the most impressive techniques for investigating autobiographical memory is the personal study of the experimenter 's own memory .
24 One of the most useful accessories for classroom use is a remote control unit .
25 Effective teams are one of the most powerful tools for effective management of institutions .
26 Hence one of the most difficult conundrums for modern America .
27 Before the hon. Gentleman gets up , let me say that I worked as a probation officer in the King 's Cross area , which was one of the most difficult areas for homelessness in the 1970s .
28 One of the most difficult things for modern parents is to remind ourselves that we must maintain a life of our own .
29 Indeed pretty hands can be one of the most difficult things for a PRO working in beauty to find .
30 The Income & Growth PEP allows you to invest in the Capital House Income & Growth Unit Trust which , despite one of the most difficult periods for stock market investment , has seen an investment of £100 grow to £183 over the last five years — had you been able to invest in the Income & Growth PEP over this period you would have received this return free of all personal taxes .
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