Example sentences of "[prep] [art] last few [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 The relief of escaping from his company was so intense that she felt as if she 'd been wired up to an electric charge for the last few hours and someone had finally taken pity on her and turned off the power .
2 Modigliani moved in to be with her for the last few days and at the end of November Jeanne entered the Nice Maternity Hospital .
3 He was conscious on admission , explained he had felt unwell for the last few days and had intended seeing a doctor today .
4 Philip , who is to take his A Levels this summer , has been studying at Repton for the last few months and will join the Academy in August , two months after Zara arrives at the Academy 's Hemel Hempstead base .
5 I have n't been happy for the last few months and when an old girlfriend asked me out I went along and enjoyed myself .
6 ‘ I 've been fed up for the last few years and people have been telling me I am in danger of wasting my time .
7 Cornwall has kept the Championship flag flying for the last few years and has continued to emphasise my own view that such a competition could have an important place .
8 Such an event normally takes us to Dartmoor or Exmoor , has run on the same basis for the last few years and is planned to the last minute — so why the meeting ?
9 Maureen has n't worked for the last few years and she 's ill herself , she 's got hepatitis B.
10 His voice had changed during the last few words and she pushed him hard against the end of the settle as she said , ‘ No , they wo n't come running , but have you ever thought of you doin' the askin' ?
11 Before reading further , think about the last few chapters and decide what you expect their empirical studies have found .
12 She ran through the last few streets and saw with relief the familiar tall building rising against the night sky .
13 By that date , he was an ailing man , and apart from his routine duties , his first tasks were to clear up the muddles of the last few years and re-establish an acceptable procedure for future episcopal elections , investitures , and acts of homage .
14 Cairns added : ‘ I 've learned so much in the last few weeks and coping with failure and disappointment is one of them . ’
15 She had lost weight in the last few weeks and the jeans were a little loose about her waist .
16 In fact events have developed rapidly in the last few weeks and it was announced at a Committee meeting on Monday 1st June that we had every hope of opening the museum by the end of the month .
17 ‘ The man 's problems have intensified in the last few weeks and it 's reached the stage where he 's late at least three mornings a week now . ’
18 But things have turned round slightly in the last few weeks and erm the players have got themselves together and erm we 've managed to string a few results together .
19 ‘ The industry has cleaned up its act in the last few years and we import from restricted countries , ’ said the timber merchant .
20 The yacht harbour , Muelle Deportivo , has seen many improvements in the last few years and even more are planned for the future under the dynamic president of the port , José Manuel Hernandez .
21 But they have changed in the last few years and there are some quite significant elements about personal allowances that you ought to know about , one of which is independent taxation , and this talk is actually personal allowances and independent taxation .
22 Imaging technology has come a long way in the last few years and there are currently available several Imaging systems which in theory could integrate with Council Tax software .
23 But in Latin America , even the crudest indicators such as per capita GNP , or gross national product ( which takes no account of wealth distribution ) show that people 's incomes have actually gone down in the last few years and their health , education and nutrition have gone down with them .
24 The project is following up those young people who have left the Association 's training schemes in the last few years and is investigating , through questionnaires and interviews , how the employers of those ex-trainees make their recruitment decisions .
25 I 've heard hundreds of judges in the last few years and Mr is one of the very few who , in , in every picture delivers a very picture .
26 There was a period when cyclists disappeared from the Meet altogether but they have started to return in the last few years and among the highlights of this year 's event — May 22–25 — will be a return to races on the old grass cycle track around the perimeter of Richmond Cricket Club 's ground and a road race for penny-farthings .
27 When the engagements are abroad , I work feverishly in the last few days and nights to create a reasonably finished piece of work — just in case we crash .
28 Erm , the erm , the erm , the erm , er , settlement of the anti tr civil anti trust law suit that was referred to in the statement was erm , costs of about six million dollars this year on a class action law suit which we have reached a tentative settlement on in the last few days and , in fact , there were some , there was about six to seven million dollars of additional provision made at the end of last year in the one time charges that we referred to at that time but could n't really identify with erm , lawyers breathing down your necks in the United States and er , this is a class action law suit , would have been in a Texas Court and erm , you know , the boiler plate language is that you want to get rid of the , you know , the expense and uncertainty of this type of litigation and if you think that what a Texas jury did to Texaco , it 's probably a prudent decision to close the matter off at this time .
29 A spokesman for the Northern Constabulary at Inverness denied the accusations of harassment but confirmed that the site had been visited twice in the last few days and that several people had been charged .
30 But I was able to tell the House this morning that all the Rule forty-three prisoners , who were the ones who were particularly vulnerable , are now accounted for , and I mean by that that they have all come out of the jail in the last few days and unfortunately one of them , as you know , has died from his injuries .
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